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  1. #21

    Default Re: Timeslive Poll on firearms

    Quote Originally Posted by Fire-stick View Post
    As a little side note for those who don't mind an extra click or three, it is possible (was yesterday) to revisit the page (on a phone) to vote again a few times it seems.
    That's giving our opponents valuable ammo. Adele Kirsten has already said that we get these 90% poll results because we are "a vociferous minority." She has to say that because she has nothing else that she can say. If she offers this as proof that we get the numbers by voting multiple times we will never again be taken seriously in these polls. We have always needed to keep the moral high ground - we are held to a higher standard than our opponents and can't afford this sort of thing.

  2. #22
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    Default Re: Timeslive Poll on firearms

    Saying we are a "vociferous minority" off course needs to deflect away from the fact that these proxy ngo's don't have memberships,only a few paid employees and don't represent anyone except their funders.

  3. #23
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    Jan 2019
    JHB and BFN


    Quote Originally Posted by Dick View Post
    That's giving our opponents valuable ammo. Adele Kirsten has already said that we get these 90% poll results because we are "a vociferous minority." She has to say that because she has nothing else that she can say. If she offers this as proof that we get the numbers by voting multiple times we will never again be taken seriously in these polls. We have always needed to keep the moral high ground - we are held to a higher standard than our opponents and can't afford this sort of thing.
    Point taken Dick.

    When having a relook at the poll, the extra click with the same device doesn't register as another vote.

    The extra click didn't change the poll number as the number of people who voted so it turns out that one click on the site by a certain device only registers as one vote even if one relooked at the poll a second time so no further vote was possible thus not skewing the poll results.

  4. #24
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    Default Re: Timeslive Poll on firearms

    I seem to recall AK making a direct reference to our term "posse call-up" in an interview once.

  5. #25
    Join Date
    Dec 2010


    Quote Originally Posted by curious george View Post
    I seem to recall AK making a direct reference to our term "posse call-up" in an interview once.
    But ya know what, we HAVE a posse we can call up. They try to rally "their" group of like-minded people, and so do we. And we're getting quite successful at it, even in spite of the occasional circular firing squad. I believe the crack in their armour is showing, they don't really have the huge support they claim(ed) they have, and in order to disguise that, they're resorting to smear tactics.

  6. #26
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    Default Re: Timeslive Poll on firearms

    Quote Originally Posted by curious george View Post
    I seem to recall AK making a direct reference to our term "posse call-up" in an interview once.
    I find this a wee bit ironic. Following this logic, the election won by ANC is in fact a form of "posse call-up"... those who vote will have their voice heard, was it a gun control poll, or a general election.

  7. #27
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    Default Re: Timeslive Poll on firearms

    Quote Originally Posted by Pirate View Post
    But ya know what, we HAVE a posse we can call up. They try to rally "their" group of like-minded people, and so do we. And we're getting quite successful at it, even in spite of the occasional circular firing squad. I believe the crack in their armour is showing, they don't really have the huge support they claim(ed) they have, and in order to disguise that, they're resorting to smear tactics.

  8. #28
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    Default Re: Timeslive Poll on firearms

    Quote Originally Posted by AK-Gunner View Post
    I find this a wee bit ironic. Following this logic, the election won by ANC is in fact a form of "posse call-up"... those who vote will have their voice heard, was it a gun control poll, or a general election.
    Pretty much so!

    Considering that most of the gfsa line up seems to be redeployed old white libtard washed up anti apartheid activists floating from one Soros funded ngo to another.

    Even more ironic is that if the source was correct, she pretty much knows from personal experience that banning stuff/making it illegal doesn't work considering that her own son allegedly either committed suicide or died from an o'd...

    Let that sink in...

    All her contrived bs about how she "managed" an attacker, her ideological dogma doesn't preclude her from personally outsourcing her own security to an armed response security company, or the likes of old rev Storey owning a 38sp for sd.

    Only us plebs aren't allowed any according to her financial backers obviously.

  9. #29

    Default Re: Timeslive Poll on firearms


  10. #30

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