We are very happy to be sharing our shop with Piet from Cerakote.co.za . And as such we thought it would be cool to start a thread where we can share some of his pictures just for the pure enjoyment of beautifully finished shooting stuff! Those who have dealt with Piet will know that he is routinely fully booked almost a year in advance. However, we did manage to make some repeating block bookings with him, and so it is often possible to have your firearm done by him through us, sometime before the end of the world.

For more info and pricing, email jonathan at info@shootingstuff.co.za.

This thread though is not really about marketing, it is simply to be for the enjoyment of it, and to share some great gun-pron that may otherwise not make it onto the web, or onto this forum.

We thought we would start it off with these unique slanted-digital Glocks, custom coated for Shooting Stuff. (One of them is our avatar also!). And before you ask, yes, the C-more optical sight was supplied and fitted in-house by us. Email us for prices and availability on those.