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  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jun 2013
    Weltevredenpark, Johannesburg

    Thumbs up Fighting in and around vehicles course, by Mark Human on 12-13 March (Rooikraal)

    Good day IFTA Members,

    Mark Human from MDW (Multidimensional Warriors) will be hosting another Vehicle Fighting Course in March. This course if highly recommended!

    The course deals with the skills necessary to react positively when - simply driving out of high risk conditions is impractical or denied.

    Because of the pace and mobile nature of this course there will be a large emphasis on safety.

    Course Content

    • Weapon handling skills for combat in and around vehicles
    • Vehicle terminal ballistics
    • Vehicle gun fighting concepts and force on force exercises
    • Live fire drills

    Presenter: Mark Human

    Cost: R1,850

    Ammunition: 200 rounds (Handgun)
    Other Minimum Gear: Eye Protection, Ear Protection. Elbow and Knee Guards, good strong gloves a must!

    Time: 09h30- +- 15h30 each day

    Venue: Rooikraal Shooting Range (
    26°22'43.52"S, ​ 28°15'57.68"E)

    To Book email:

    For more info call Mark on
    082 559 8319

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Dec 2010

    Default Re: Fighting in and around vehicles course, by Mark Human on 12-13 March (Rooikraal)

    If you can get on this course, grab the opportunity. It is such a practical, useful bag of tools, and a helluva eye-opener. You'll be surprised how a few practical pointers will help you deploy your pistol quickly, even when seated in a car, and how creative you'll become to exit said vehicle if the heat is on.

    The knee-guards are an absolute minimum of extra PPE to bring along, but elbow-guards will be welcome. I did not wear gloves but they would definitely help against the little nicks and scratches that inevitable show up when you're constantly working around torn metal bits and shot-up glass. If you carry strong-side like I do, be prepared to bang your holster a bit. I (unknowingly) broke an MTAC shell, (which did get fixed as good as new, with a few Guiness labels poking out at strategic places....)

    This is an awesome course and IMHO highly applicable in an area where your hijack risk is high (i.e. South Africa....)

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Jun 2013
    Weltevredenpark, Johannesburg


    Well said Pirate.

    I keep telling people, if they're only going to be doing ONE course, this is the ONE to do.

    It opens your eyes, which is very necessary!


  4. #4
    Join Date
    Dec 2010

    Default Re: Fighting in and around vehicles course, by Mark Human on 12-13 March (Rooikraal)

    I'm sure Mark won't mind if I say this but this is not designed as a "first-time gun course". To get most from this, one has to have done at least a basic gun-handling / intro course with a competent instructor. The pace of the course is just such that one can't expect him to also essentially present an intro course at the same time.

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