Hi guys

My name is Sinono
I would like to know the procedure that a police should follow in a case of pointing with a firearm. There was a case that was opened against me and my brother. 3 guys opened a case of pointing with the firearm against us,we just had an argument with them and there was a roadblock right across us on that day we all could see SAPS police and everything happened on the 22 of July around 3pm and the guys opened the case on August. We received a phone call from the police investigating the case and we were told to report to the police station so we could make our statement unfortunately where the incidence happened it's 4hours away from where we stay. We agreed on the date of driving to the police station and we went there but unfortunately after we made our statement the police arrested us for that night and we had to get the lawyer the following day to get us out and the case was sent back for further investigation by the magistrate.

The complainant and witnesses statements were not consistent and they fabricated everything since they know I own a firearm and my brother does not own a firearm. In their statement they said I pointed my gun to one guy and and my brother stopped me then he also pointed his gun to the same guy that is a complainant.

Was the procedure of arresting us lawful because I feel the police should have taken our statement and investigate then only if really committed the crime then arrest us
