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  1. #1

    Default Are any of you left?

    Hi to all,

    Been going through a nostalgic couple months, reading back up on the Selous Scouts, Koevoet etc.

    I was hoping to get some rubber hits the road stories.

    Rhodesia was the bread basket of africa, how was the life back then.

    When SHTF did you guys really pack up bakkies and leave?

    Im keen to hear from all of you

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Aug 2012

    Default Re: Are any of you left?

    A distant family member had an abbatoir and supplied a few butcheries. He got out with the cash in the safe.

    Some other distant family members are still living there.

    I have contact with an older Italian woman. She escaped the Belgian Congo in her bathing costume and had to hide in a compartment in a train. They were warned by house staff.

    I recently met an old omie who grew up in Kenya. He became a policeman and fought the Mau-Mau rebels until his black colleagues told him to flee.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    May 2015
    Kingdom of the Zulus

    Default Re: Are any of you left?

    two of my mates famlies

    one RLI one Selous scouts packed up everything in their trailers
    couple hundred bucks, furniture and alot of baked beans from what they have told me

    both have done well and i am always fascinated to chat to Rhodesians, different breed altogether

    few elderly clients were Rhodisian police, and the stories of transporting fuel with truck mounted dual machine guns is amazing

    the world will be worse off as these fine people pass

  4. #4

    Default Re: Are any of you left?

    We left with what we could load in the station wagon and take with us. Left the house and boat and caravan and everything else. Fortunately/unfortunately I was too young to remember it all. My brothers where already in SA at Uni and my older sisters left with their husbands.

    My dad did some volunteering for the police in Rhodesia way back in the day and had a few stories to tell. Sadly he passed away while I was still to young to ask more than the basic questions or get any real details.

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