Well fortunately you won't actually have to see my face

Hi there
So after silently learning as much as I possibly can about the whole EDC lifestyle from GunSite, I thought it might be time to actually say thanks for all the helpful tips and info.
I'm a first time gun owner, just waiting ages (3 months) for my DFO to take my competency off his desk and send it to the CFR, before finally being able to apply for my license for my newly bought friend.
What did I buy you might ask? Well after seeing countless feuds over CZ P07 vs Glock 19 as a CCW, I struck up the courage and bought a gen 3 Glock. After shooting both the gen 4 and my gen 3, I'm definitely not disappointed and am looking to expand my collection soon (I guess the shooting bug bit me ) .

Hopefully I can add to this interesting community!