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  1. #11
    Join Date
    May 2015
    Kingdom of the Zulus

    Default Re: Saps Task Force- a Force to recon with

    Quote Originally Posted by M43 View Post
    M43 has bee out of the force for number of years (happily so), so my opinions may not be that accurate...

    Compared to the top IPSC / IDPA shooters in this country most of our STF and SF units could probably do with some extra trigger time. But shooting is a very, VERY small part of their required skill set. I would say their shooting skills are adequate to get their jobs done.

    As for the number of capable police members... This may grate a few nipples but personally I think that the police force / service has had its share of slackers / cowards and plain corrupt fuckers (many of them in command posts) for a long time. Decades before '94 already. I used to work with many of them.

    But many of the young cops I see and meet from time to time seem motivated and well disciplined and I wouldn't mind working with them if I were to go back (which I'm not doing)
    i have met some excellent young officers
    I just fear the system will either break them or let them down before they get to do any real good for the force

    K9 shot with a club last year, grabbed their R5s out the vehicle and both didnt work
    something about broken firing pins or springs?

    very sad that government doesnt support these guys, but then again private security carries a large portion of their mandate now and pays government to do it

    bigger private security industry means less need to employ officers (cost to state) and a bigger revenue

    Political parties should as what the ruling party generates in security industry taxations (insurance too) we would then get a picture of why they have let saps deteriorate and why they actually have no inclination to combat crime effectively

  2. #12
    Join Date
    May 2010
    Right next to the pot that needs stirring.

    Default Re: Saps Task Force- a Force to recon with

    Not up to date about the inner politics of the STF etc. Had seen a unit once in operation with a CIT robbery that took place once. They seemed well organised as they arrived and deployed on the scene. Could not do anything there anymore as the robbers already left, but it seemed to me that every member knew where he was supposed to be and back each other up etc and made sure the crime scene is secure. They were also not "bullying" the public (onlookers), but just stood their ground and ask persons that wanted to interfere to please leave so that the detectives can do their job.

  3. #13

    Default Re: Saps Task Force- a Force to recon with

    Quote Originally Posted by Stevin View Post
    Yeah, no female officer has ever completed STF Selection. So that blows that argument out the water.

    Im always fairly amazed at how general gun people are suprised that police / soldiers don’t shoot as well as the top competitive shooters. While they are generally ok shots, and the specialized units are generally light years ahead of the regulars. It’s still only a percentage of everything that it entails to be a soldier / police officer.
    That saod. I have heard of things still being ok at the unit (from a very good friend, ex STF), but that the government isn’t looking after them as they should. Unless we experience it for ourselves it’s all kinda heresay. <--- apparently there are woman that made history in the stf

  4. #14

    Default Re: Saps Task Force- a Force to recon with

    here's like one of the latest stats that i could find on the saps stf its a 2017 article though -->

  5. #15

    Default Re: Saps Task Force- a Force to recon with

    does anyone know if the stf is still operational? do they have a new website or Facebook page? regarding the SANDF Special Forces (Recces) whats the world ranking sitting at?

  6. #16
    Join Date
    Jul 2008

    Default Re: Saps Task Force- a Force to recon with

    [QUOTE]apparently there are woman that made history in the stf[QUOTE]

    Not the same standards as male recruits.

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