This from different pages of Gunfree SA's site "safety toolkit". This seems somewhat contradictory and a feeble attempt at spin-doctoring? Are they not admitting here that stricter gun laws have caused more gun deaths?

Since the introduction of stronger gun laws in South Africa there has been a significant drop in the country's gun-related deaths: from 34 gun deaths a day in 1998 to 18 a day in 2009.


South Africa’s latest crime statistics show that serious and violent crimes have again increased. Between 2011/12 and 2017/18, murder increased 31%, attempted murder 24% and aggravated robbery 37%. A shocking 41.3% of murders and 59.5% of aggravated robberies in 2017/18 were gun-related.
Increasing levels of violent crime and easy access to weapons has seen South Africa drop from 123 to 125 out of 163 countries in the 2018 Global Peace Index.