So we understand that the leaders of the PFTC and the ITA have gone to SAPS and told them that they, the PFTC, think that gun owners should be required to undergo retraining every five years to maintain their purchased possessions.
Lets think about this, the organizations that benefit financially from this additional requirement is the same organization that is running to SAPS to say that they the PFTC and ITA, must be given another opportunity to charge the customer. So now... we as gun owners pay PFTC and the ITA initially when we do our competency, then they want the police to compel us to be on the hook every 5 years to pay them more money to do some refresher training.
What’s more these self same people also want ALL dedicated sports shooters, hunters etc to now undergo business competency training to have DSS status, notwithstanding that this is not in the act and means, yet again that the PFTC will up their earnings as we gun owners are forced to pay more and be required to dance to even more requirements from SAPS..
I find this opportunism of the PFTC in taking advantage of the concessions won by GOSA in court to try and facilitate more control to the SAPS as odius as GFSA’s dancing on the graves of crime victims to further their agenda.
I would hope that every member of GOSA, an organization dedicated to standing up for the rights of firearms joins me in feeling this outrage and utter disgust at these actions.