Right, so here's my story for the morning.
It's 4:37am and I've been up from just before 3am.
I'm just recently recovering from a major re op on my left arm (long story short, 1st Doc stuffed up the job)
Bit of background, I've recently (July 2021) moved to a smallholding just outside of pietermaritzburg, 4 houses on the "farm" ", each about 2-3 house spaces between a normal house in the suburbs. So not too far and not too close. 3 Indian families and 1 white family, if that makes a difference (doesn't to me)
Houses are more or less in a row, I'm at the front starting, 2nd Indian family, 3rd one, then my white brother's family at the end, he's on the corner of the property.
I'm properly armed, house 2 has 1 handgun, house 3 and 4 have gas guns(don't ask, they unfortunately don't have the money to go through the whole process of proficiency, competency and buying a firearm)
We are 7-800mts away from the main road up a dirt track, and the farm has "bonnox/weld mesh" fencing on the outside perimeter with an electric fence on the inside.
1 gate to enter and exit which is at my end.
Problem is, the whole back fence line is a farmers open field which people from the location 800mts away from us use to get to work on some of the farms as a shortcut.
Sometimes the field is bare, sometimes there's head height sugarcane. (currently head height sugarcane)
Now with all the power outages we had from the start of looting, all 4 houses have walkies for emergencies and just chatting etc.
So I took all my pain meds, dressed warmly and dozed off in front of the fireplace on the recliner around 11:30am.
Wake up in a dazed state just before 3am hearing frenzied shouting over the walkie, jump up, run to the walkie which was charging in the kitchen, answer, and all I get is Christ's wife screaming that they need help, that there's 3 guys that have got into the yard and are trying to get into the house. I grab my olight warrior torch and 2 handguns , jump into my gumboots, by this time my wife is awake and asking what's all l the ruckus about, I quickly fill her in, ask her to open the front door for me and lock it behind me, and to stay on comms. I run over to Christos house, Now at this time of the night/morning, mist/fog is so thick that visibility is down to maybe 20mts max.