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Today, 14:53I am currently using 72 production Norinco, various Norinco and Russian in the past. Standard ram trisolspray can solvent and or a bit of slip 2000...27 replies | 1342 view(s)
Today, 14:16Definitely a Chicom AKM, the stock is a giveaway. Type 81 is very likely correct.7 replies | 70 view(s)
Today, 13:42Saw a few soldier 2000 camo hats on the M23 as well...............7 replies | 70 view(s)
Today, 13:42 replies | 70 view(s)
Today, 13:41TYPE 81 Like a SKS/AK hybrid Actually available in SA at the moment7 replies | 70 view(s)
Today, 13:40Reminds me of the anti-western rally's yet I see a lot of Nike sneakers Hell even Zumas daughter wears a NY hat CLOWN world73 replies | 2928 view(s)
Today, 13:19If it is Ruwandese it will be the Type 81 Rifle.7 replies | 70 view(s)
Today, 12:29The stock certainly looks chicom.7 replies | 70 view(s)
Today, 12:26 Source link7 replies | 70 view(s)
Today, 12:26What rifle is pictured here? This image was pulled from a news article and acording to the description depicts an M23 rebel. At first I though Type...7 replies | 70 view(s)
Today, 12:11Another reason to add to the pile of why commies are up there with genital warts.27 replies | 1342 view(s)
Today, 12:04The West stopped using them, but the East continued. The simple "does it rust a nail" test ( eg:...27 replies | 1342 view(s)
Today, 11:58He’s checking you out nicely….. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk2 replies | 65 view(s)
Today, 10:55He looks twitchy just standing still. I remember someone describing them as looking like they were designed my a committee.2 replies | 65 view(s)
Today, 10:51A young black wildebeest (white tailed gnu) bull. For me, this is one of the most difficult antelope to photograph. They are very skittish and rarely...2 replies | 65 view(s)
Today, 09:56Agreed. Elements of both are present. Not very bright and trying to do what master asked...52 replies | 3536 view(s)
Today, 09:47While I agree that many don't join the dots wrt to their agenda the fact that they are also incompetent shouldn't be discounted.52 replies | 3536 view(s)
Today, 09:34Was not suggesting this was your train of thought, but to the lay person all the recent (and not so recent) coincidences with PFTC/SASSITA training,...52 replies | 3536 view(s)