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  1. B.I.R.T. Training 18 September 2010.
  2. Dot Torture
  3. B.I.R.T 16 October 10
  4. Shooting groups.
  5. Practice makes perfect
  6. B.I.R.T 13 November 2010
  7. US Combat Handgun (circa 1944)
  8. Golani
  9. B.I.R.T /Sports Adventure Shooting 15 January 2011
  10. Randy Lee (Apex) Ninja reload on revolver
  11. B.I.R.T/Sports Adventure Shooting 12 February 2011
  12. Shoot/No Shoot
  13. The shotgun in home and hearth defence:
  14. Realism in firearms training
  15. Fault analyser
  16. Which Eye Dominant?
  17. Replica firearm for training purposes
  18. When Dot Torture gets a little too much...
  19. Fatigue and training...
  20. Training the Basics...trigger control
  21. Putting it all together...the start of qualifications
  22. Bad Guys Prepare - do You???
  23. Discretion shooting...
  24. John Farnam on Accuracy
  25. The Draw
  26. Follow-through
  27. Bolt manipulation for left handers
  28. Travis Haley / Haley Strategic
  29. Old Skool FBI video
  30. From the Way Back machine...
  31. The myth of self-training
  32. Marksmanship essentials
  33. Unloading and Loading the pistol...
  34. Can tactics training serve as legal defense evidence?
  35. You Want Me to Do What with My Finger?
  36. Mistakes that kill
  37. advice on shooting the Z88 (and other beretta 92 clones)
  38. Longish distance shooting with handgun
  39. Where to start as a weapons instructor.
  41. IPSC Training in KZN
  42. Has anybody trained here?
  43. effective firearm training.
  44. How Good of a Shooter Do You Want to Be?
  45. Training course similar to Magpul tactical handgun
  46. SouthNarc in Sacremento
  47. 365 Days of Training
  48. Training course
  49. NEW Supa Secret retention technique (Big T???)
  50. F.A.S.T. drill
  51. Weak hand shooting
  52. Training course - Who will be there
  53. Anyone practise speed Holstering?
  54. Can range time make us over sensitive?
  55. CRAFT International
  56. why I love my glock 22 so much!
  57. Always shooting low
  58. Hyper Realistic Military Training
  59. dry fire practice drills
  60. Speed and dry fire practice... thoughts please!
  61. Ken Hackathorn Advanced Pistol, 10-27/28-12
  62. Traning course to prepare me for real life.
  63. Training Focus
  64. Tactical Training DVD
  65. Training kids
  66. Training etc
  67. Printable targets from Travis Haley's training site
  68. SIRT training pistol
  69. Pincus on training with .22 calibre rifles (such as the M&P 15-22)
  70. Training options
  71. CQB lessons from the front
  72. Grip or Sight Error?
  73. Good training videos
  74. Vickers, Hackathorn and Harrington talk Glocks
  75. Weak hand shooting - Top Shots
  76. IDPA
  77. Threat from behind
  78. Trigger control
  79. Very Cool Live Fire Training Simulator
  80. Weak hand shooting
  81. Training buddy
  82. Anatomically Correct Targets
  83. Practice Routine for IDPA
  85. Tap-Rack etc.
  86. Frank Proctor is a hater -- love it
  87. Handgun instructor courses
  88. Why do you have to beg people to go for decent training?
  89. Ban on Rushing.
  90. Combat Shooting Training Courses
  91. cross eye dominant
  92. LE weptec. 15&16 dec '13
  93. pistol drills
  94. Help to correct your grip
  95. "Quadzilla"
  96. Malfunction clearances
  97. Repetition
  98. US 120487: Use of firearms in a military and law enforcement environment.
  99. Competition: Pros and Cons
  100. Utube video : How to shoot a rifle by Jerry Miculek
  101. Hijack Training
  102. Fundikhono Training in Cape Town - 26th/27th and 29th April
  103. Training video
  104. Whaddaya guys think?
  105. Dry Fire Drill Routine Help
  106. Todd Green on teaching 'non-dedicated' CCW users...
  107. Training vs Sport shooting (IDPA)
  108. Krav Maga
  109. Top trainers in Gauteng
  110. Effects of a violent encounter in vision
  111. This gun instructor’s skills will blow your mind
  112. Turning a live firing Glock into a training SIRT
  113. Cross-skilling or specialising?
  114. Constructive Outdoor Range Training
  115. Training via Airsoft
  116. Dry- fire or Live-fire first?
  117. Improve your fundamentals with the "Squares Drill" by URBAN PATRIOT
  118. 3 gun club
  119. Shooting coaches
  120. First Person defender - Youtube channel
  121. Venti 100
  122. Do Trainers and Training Dogma expire?
  123. What is your favorite pistol drill?
  124. Bill drill par time?
  125. BigT's Tactical Marksman KZN Interest
  126. Multi-target in dry-fire excercise
  127. Some more Israeli Combat Shooting.....
  128. Pannone on Fine and Gross Motor Skills
  129. Noner's Rules to not Die by.
  130. Shooting comp gone wrong
  131. Training Video Recommendations
  132. Shooters Clinic -- Firearm Training Course
  133. Dry fire + live fire drill
  134. Technical Competence by Tim Lau
  135. Clearing a double feed - YouTube video
  136. Stink Bug Training
  137. IDPA Revolver Reload
  138. What are your shooting goals for the year?
  139. Handgun shooting - critique?
  140. 22422 drill
  141. Bad advice
  142. Frank Proctor - Riding with the Cougar.
  143. Cape Town Training Request
  144. Eric Graufell - Hangun Grip
  145. Developing situational awareness
  146. Shooter's Elbow.
  147. Handgun Training (grip, stance, trigger pull, aiming etc) Not competency providers
  148. Awesome reload....by a 9 year old!
  149. Typical training day
  150. What's up with the Israeli style shooting ?
  151. Training time at 3m and less?
  152. Is there a training tool like the SIRT pistol for the S&W M&P?
  153. Kyle Defoor training
  154. Training on steel
  155. AK one handed reload!
  156. Handgun drills
  157. StressTest
  158. How to Win a Gunfight - Shoot a Gun - Shooting For Survival FBI Training
  159. Gunfighter Moment by Ken Hackathorn.
  160. One handed malfunction drills
  161. Pistol: Temple Index versus High Port
  162. Dry Fire and Glocks, Other Pistols As Well?
  163. The "double tap" is dead.
  164. Gunfighter Moment - Jeff Gonzales : Speed & Accuracy
  165. Interesting training concept form the USA (TACOST)
  166. New to IPSC
  167. License for 19 year old doing PH course
  168. Handgun/Rifle course
  169. Travis Haley AK Gross Motor Skills Reload
  170. Trigger control for SD shooting
  171. SouthNarc is coming back
  172. Choosing your training? Please Help me Understand...
  173. Watch "EXTREMELY FAST PISTOL SHOOTING DRILLS (Do Not Try This At Home)" on YouTube
  174. Poliesielid geskiet tydens oefening
  175. Airsoft as combat training aid
  176. Best use of 100 rounds of ammo
  177. Listen to this Podcast
  178. Todd Green of pistoltraining.com dead
  179. Travis Haley: Handgun Draw Deliberate Practice
  180. Dont draw on a drawn gun
  181. Shotgun Drills
  182. Live-Fire Targets and Accessories
  183. Further firearm training?
  184. Anyone tried the TRUstandard challenge/drill?
  185. Trigger control from Patrick Kelley
  186. Mobility drills for shooting positions - Travis Haley
  187. Most incompetent trainer - VODA.
  188. Dry Fire Drill Book - Ben Stoeger or Steve Anderson
  189. Shooting with both eyes open
  190. Breaching 101
  191. Rob Leatham on fast shooting
  192. How to shoot a droplet of water!
  193. How do YOU grip a handgun?
  194. Required Info about Standerton Firearm Training
  195. Competency training in Benoni
  196. CTT Marksmanship Evaluation Course
  197. Gun games: New shootout sport combines real guns and MMA fighting
  198. History of "Shoot To Reset" - Dave Spaulding
  199. Have you had handgun training ? Poll inside
  200. The Wild Mary Classifier
  201. Training in Durban
  202. How to fix an eye flinch?
  204. Dont shoot your buddy in the back of the head
  205. steel challenge question
  206. Combating Target Fixation with a ‘Near Far Near’ Shooting Drill
  207. Spot on SWAMBO
  208. Is there an Acid Test for new carry ammo?
  209. dry firing with glock
  210. Combative Fitness
  211. The 5 in 5 Drill
  212. CQC Weapon Retention Tactic
  213. 50 Round Practise Questions
  214. Dave Spaulding
  215. Center Axis Relock: Is John Wick Right or Wrong?
  216. Scenario's for training in the security industry
  217. Dry fire training aids
  218. SLR Training
  219. Large ammo count
  220. Shooting simulator on your tv or projector
  221. Affordable, good quality timer for training?
  222. Ernest Langdon:
  223. Firearm Familiarization and Dry Firing Drill
  224. Any SD training in Kzn?
  225. Mag release technique
  226. Security Guard Training
  228. The use of a Metronome in pistol dry fire and live fire training
  229. Tactical Tips Online
  230. Eleven Exercises That Will Enhance Your Shooting Technique and Your Core By Lauren Young and more
  231. A review of some method of carry trends by Kelly Mc Cann
  232. On Trigger Control
  233. Sharpening the Edge: There’s Value in Competition
  234. Muzzle Management :muzzle up or muzzle down
  235. Move and Shoot, The figure eight drill
  236. Shooting Drills: The Ultimate List – Pistols, Rifles, Shotguns (JUNE 2020 UPDATE)
  237. Indoor Shooting Range
  238. Outsourcing training
  240. Blue training Glock with removable magazine
  241. Bill Rogers Shooting School
  242. Starting a sport - IPSC/IDPA
  243. SD Training Course
  244. Article: "Skills and Drills: Lights Out"
  245. Dry Fire Aids
  246. #DotLife RDS course with Big T in CPT
  247. MantisX 10 training system - Opinions please
  248. Firearm Training in Gauteng
  249. Combat Shotgun- Lewis Awerbuck
  250. Zones of Employment - Defense Shotgun