- [NEW IN] [ PAY IT FORWARD or Random act of kindness]
- [NEW IN] Garmin Zumo mounting kit with (RAM)
- LEE single stage challenger linkage arm
- [NEW IN] LEE Auto Disk Power Measure
- Holsters + ADP mags
- [NEW IN] Virgin 38 Special brass
- [NEW IN] CZ75 Holsters
- .357 magnum brass
- 40 S&W (200)
- [NEW IN] Fobus 6900P Double Mag Pouch Paddle
- MI-Z1600 -TLH Tactical light/laser holster
- [NEW IN] Fobus Holster and Double Mag Pouch
- [NEW IN] Lee 45 Colt Taper Crimp Die
- [NEW IN] Lynx mounts for CZ 550 and BRNO ZKK600,601,602
- Attention travelmate
- lyman 38 special dies and hawke 25 mm scope rings
- Beretta 92 Bikini Holster
- 250x 9mmP brass. Tumbled and sonic cleaned
- Uplula mag loader
- Am I doing it right?
- [NEW IN] Unidentified Mag
- [NEW IN] RCBS 09070 Scale
- Gunbag
- Lee single stage press.
- LED Lenser L7
- Gerber Gator Machete
- Offer: sharpen your knife
- [NEW IN] Two cup coffee maker
- [NEW IN] 9mmP brass
- 9mm 125gr cast
- [NEW IN] Torque wrench
- [NEW IN] Holster for HK USP .40 compact
- [NEW IN] Random items
- [NEW IN] Various Items
- 357 magnum once fired brass (100)
- [NEW IN] Browning Hi-Power / CZ 75-85 -- Leather El Paso Holster for 9mmP
- [NEW IN] fobus double GLOCK 9/40 mag pouch
- [NEW IN] motivation for a NOOB
- [NEW IN] Set of .243 76gr BTHP Monolith Samples (5 bullets)
- [NEW IN] 6-seater Glass dining table
- [NEW IN] 38 special brass and snakeshot.
- 303 British Die set
- [NEW IN] .357 brass
- [NEW IN] Glock 17/22 SOB Holster
- 200x 9mmP brass
- Lee Hand Press
- Beretta PX4 Storm Fobus paddle holster
- Walther PPK ankle holster and a Speer reloading manual #10
- .38 special one fired brass
- [NEW IN] IMI Holster
- Fobus retention holster
- [NEW IN] Part 1 of 3: 9mmK Ammo
- [NEW IN] Part 3 of 3: UpLULA Universal Pistol Magazine Loader
- [NEW IN] 2 of 3: .22 Magnum ammo
- Pistol Ammo cases - Pay it forward
- [NEW IN] Pay It Forward - IR Strobe
- [NEW IN] SANDF webbing
- 6x Steel R4 mags
- 2 x 1911 VHS VID by Wilson Combat.
- Magnum Magazines - stack from 1999 - around 2005.
- 9mm Taper Crimp Die & Bullet feeder
- Mauser k98 military stock.
- 3 Lee quick change bushings
- [NEW IN] Magpul Mid length MOE hand guard
- large dessecante bags. 210x180mm
- [NEW IN] Three piece lounge suite
- New Home for AK Extended Mag Release
- [NEW IN] Lenovo charger
- [NEW IN] PIF: 308 bullets and sharpening of knives
- PIF: 303 bullets
- [NEW IN]
- [NEW IN] 51 x 40 S&W Cases
- [NEW IN] Magpul iPhone 5 cover
- [NEW IN] PIF .308 bullets
- RCBS Shell Holders
- 9mm short brass
- Unknown 10 round .22 pistol (Spanish make) mag
- Scope and bullets
- Creative Sound Blaster X-Fi Soundcard
- 9mm brass
- Sealed Microsoft Works Suite 2006
- [NEW IN] Empty 9mm S&B boxes
- [NEW IN] .22 Silencer
- [NEW IN] PIF: Ballistic material Tactical belt from El Paso
- [NEW IN] PIF 7mm Rem Mag Cases
- PIF 42 x once fired 303 British brass
- 100 x 9mmP Brass
- [NEW IN] One for the golfers
- PIF - 5 x Surefire P60 lamp assemblies
- [NEW IN] .40 brass
- speed Loader - HKS 36-M
- [NEW IN] Speed loader - HKS MK3A
- 3M outdoor and tub,shower tread
- [NEW IN] ~15 kg lead (casting)
- [NEW IN] Various Games for PC
- Glock hard rubber training gun
- 2x MTM cases for .44/.45
- [NEW IN] Parker Hale cleaning rods
- [NEW IN] 3G USB modems
- [NEW IN] .450 Adams Revolver brass X 6
- Dot Matrix printers
- Mtm Case Guard P 100 44
- Pachmayr
- [NEW IN] Rcbs .357 mag dies not complete
- Schrade knives
- [NEW IN] RCBS .303 Dies
- [NEW IN] Electronic Components
- Peppadew seeds
- Dark Room equipment
- .38 Special Dies and a couple El Paso holsters
- CZ 75/85 El Paso Leather Holster.
- [NEW IN] Pachmayr Presentation Grips - S&W N-Frame (Square Butt)
- One man's rubbish may be another's treasure
- Red Dot scope
- MTAC Spare Body for Glock 19/23/32 RSC
- Goodnel bullets
- Cordura Holsters
- Lyman Autoscale
- Lee Safety Powder scale
- [NEW IN] NC Star rear BUIS
- Some Random Freebies
- [NEW IN] 10 round magazine for No4 .303 rifle.
- Who collects old shooting related stuff?
- Brand new slide carousel canisters.
- 10 meters os SA Military Grade Paracord
- 9mmP Brass
- Lee
- [NEW IN] The Accurate Chain
- Fobus for Glock 9mm
- Crkt m16 clip
- 303 Dies
- USB to Printer cables - for free
- PIF: SanDisk 32g MicroSDHC Card
- Paint Ball Hoppers
- S&B 9mm plastic trays
- Small of back holster for g22
- Black leahter bikini holster
- R4 cleaning kit
- Osram 40W/ 640 Circular globes x 5
- FREE 88 357 Mag Brass
- Lee Auto Disks and Perfect Powder Measure
- [NEW IN] 9mmP Dies - RCBS Non Carbide
- 7.65mm / .32 ACP Brass
- [NEW IN] PIF: 38 Spec amd 40 S&W Brass
- Mossberg 500 Brownell parts
- [NEW IN] 9mm Lead Boolis
- Fly fishing - Fly Case with flies
- Safariland Light Bearing Holster M&P
- .45 ACP Ammo
- [NEW IN] PIF: Suicide Powder
- [NEW IN] Magnesium Granules
- Free to good home
- [NEW IN] 1911 bits and pieces
- [NEW IN] Photocopier for tumbler
- [FOR SALE] DSTV SD PVR remote controls
- Stand for Square Deal
- Magnum magazines
- [NEW IN] HK USP Compact 9mm magazine floorplates
- Pachmayr J frame presentation
- Sniper Gear IWB Holster / SCCY CPX2
- PIF: Magpul MOE
- Lee Pro 1000 collator
- PIF: .314" lead bullets
- Magnum Magazines
- LM 4/5/6 Steel mag
- Little old BB gun
- Lee melting pots and shot drippers
- [CONTACT US] lost contact details
- PIF: 2 x Matabele axes
- [NEW IN] .300 H & H, 300 Win Mag once fired brass
- Magazines to good home (reading material)
- 6 Brand new original HP Inkjet cartridges
- PIF - A Bridge too Far - Cornelius Ryan
- [FOR SALE] Free Winchester 1300 Pistol Grip, Foreend and Bag
- A couple of things up for grabs
- Sundance 6.35
- PIF - 2 x oldschool weaver scopes
- PIF - 45 dies
- .38 S&W Brass( not.38 Special)
- 38 Special brass.
- Hilti Safety Cartridges
- Lee .357 Die Set
- [WANTED] Rifle Safe Wanted
- 357 Sig Brass
- Metal lathe
- 9mm steel die set
- [NEW IN] Some brass
- 308 Win cases and Speer bullets
- [NEW IN] Bag o' Holsters
- NC Star riser
- [NEW IN] Selection of .308 bullets
- [NEW IN] Texan 38 Special 3 Die Set
- [NEW IN] 250 Savage 2 Die Set, incl case trimmer
- [NEW IN] Jeweller's scale (not reloading scale)
- Gert Odendaal
- PIF 9.3mm Rhino Solids
- [NEW IN] Old Nuvi 200 and Winnie 1300 pistol grip and forend.
- Bowstring Wax
- [NEW IN] Apple G4
- [NEW IN] [PIF] Winchester 1200/1300 forend and pistol grip
- RCBS 44 MAg die set.
- .32 (0.311") lead bullets
- Rollie shoulder holster
- [NEW IN] 9mmP brass
- [NEW IN] Paracord stock whip (karwats)
- [NEW IN] 30 x 38SPL once fired
- [NEW IN] Fenix ALG01
- [NEW IN] IPSC Belt
- [NEW IN] Lee Zero Error Target Model Lee Loader - 308
- Fobus IWB Holster
- P14 Sporterized Stock & Mercedes W124 Manual
- 357 R 6" El Paso Holster
- Quantum carry Hybrid M+P 9c-without belt clips.
- Beretta 92 Mags x2 and dual leather mag carrier
- [NEW IN] Something for the Top Gear fans
- Lee balance beam scale
- 500 odd 38spl cases. 2 x universal holsters for 4" revolver.
- Shotgun scabbard and holster
- [NEW IN] Beretta mod 71 mags
- PIF: .32 S&W Long and .32 ACP cases
- Sticky the PIF rules/guidelines please
- Quad Bike
- [NEW IN] Kids safety gate
- [NEW IN] 3" Revolver Ankle Holster
- [NEW IN] Uncle Mikes Slip on recoil pad
- Fish tank etc
- unknown 22lr magazine
- [NEW IN] PIF: Learn to slaughter (Sheep / Beef)
- [NEW IN] ADSL/3G Router
- RCBS .45 dies
- [NEW IN] 9mmP brass
- Bullet resistant vest
- Veeeery short LM stock
- Red Dot Sight
- mauser k96 synthetic stock
- PIF - R1 baynet
- [NEW IN] Bow hunting media for the aspiring Bowhunter
- [NEW IN] .45ACP Brass
- [NEW IN] 9mm Short Brass
- [NEW IN] Lee Load All 12 gauge
- FN Baby Browning .35
- [NEW IN] Suicide Powder v2016
- [NEW IN] Red dot and adjustable scope rings.