View Full Version : Reloading Discussions
- Reloading for Grand Power
- Would MS200 "solve" this?
- 38 special loads
- Lee Ultimate 4-Die Set
- 416 Rigby Seating Die Issue
- S121 who has stock?
- Nosler Partition vs Rhino for .270
- Online book RE: casting
- Redding vs Lee 9mm 3-Die Set
- Load assistance please
- 416 Ruger load assistance
- Belling 9mmP cases
- 6.5 x 47 Lapua problem....
- Lee Collet neck-sizing, or Redding Type S busihing die ?
- Loading data for 22-250
- Bullet performance vs Component availability, ignoring price
- Lee pro 1000 broken part
- Pro 1000 brass gauge
- Please point me in the right direction Reloading (Accessories)
- Pretoria based Quicload guys
- RCBS 5-10 vs. 5-0-5
- Reloading Data for 9mmP
- Which bullet to use for 9mm
- .284 bullet insert
- Servicing a reloading scale?
- Report: Shooting My First Self-Loaded Ammo (Using Lee Equipment)
- S&B primers fail and fail again
- Lyman Gen 5 or Gen 6 powder system
- .243 laod data for S355
- Hunting with full metal jacket bullets - old trick or fallacy.
- Reloading set for 9mmP
- The cause/s of keyholing
- Help pritty please?!
- Reloading for Ak 47.
- RASA - Reloaders Association of South Africa
- 30-06 reloadig help
- Your MS200 recipes: 124 gr 9x19 & 165gr .40S&W please
- Load data for 230 grn FMJ with S 221
- Ecomoutdoors
- Ranges with chrony available.
- COL for G 21 with Frontier 230 grain RN Bullet
- 22 Rem Jet
- Chrono a necessity for rifle loading?
- Scale to use for checking loads
- M1 Carbine reloading issue
- Reloading for 6.5x53R Mannlicher
- Somchem lot deviation
- Reloading for 45ACP
- These beam scales any good?
- Wildcat reloading
- Brass - influence on reloads
- Frontier Spartan 250 gr
- 243 Kriek Bullets
- Reloading for different barrel lengths , 9mm
- Technical question re: Dillon 550
- Powder shelf life
- The effect of groove dia vs bullet dia on MV
- Bore leading with cast bullets
- Reloading 5.56 on lee pro 1000
- Any tyre fitment centres that will actually sell discarded wheel weights?
- Crimping 9mm P
- West Rand jhb shop for reloading goods
- Shotgun reloading
- Load development advice needed.
- Should you swage primer pockets on range brass?
- reloading data for 500NE needed..please help
- Finally started reloading 7.62x39 for my ak
- Howa. 308 COL and fire forming loads
- Crack in metal stop - Single stroke Lee Reloading Press
- Glock 17 Reloads
- Using OBT Theory when choosing Barrel Length
- Dillon XL650 options
- Question regarding different safe starting loads for .243
- Lee classic, broken linkage
- 8x68 S reloading question
- Determining your rifle's COL
- Need help and advice
- Load Development for G26 and G17 -- single load required
- Reloading Equipment
- MS 200 headaches...
- Has anybody got any S121 in stock yet?
- Exported brass from the US
- New 9mm brass question
- Seeking QL help? - Please read this mild rant first
- S355 and 270 gn 375 h&H
- Another 'What press' thread
- Reloading for 12 gauge
- 30-06 bullet seating depth
- So I bought myself a Lee Pro I need some help...
- Reload + Break Even Calc
- Lee Pro 1000
- Need some help with Handgun reloading
- Starting to reload for a rifle
- Reloading terminlogy: OAL, COL, COAL?
- Finally some success - 7x57
- Hornady 150gr SST Bullets, 270 Win
- Norma R1 powder
- Verification of Quickload Calculation
- Urgent load data required!
- Shotgun slug mold
- Reloading advice needed for 450NE
- primer indentation question
- .357 Load Data
- Question regarding factory crimping .303
- Reloading 12,7X99 with B12 - Somchem's helpful advice
- CZ P09 9mmP (minor factor) load info please.
- 9.3x62 S335 or S355
- Peregrine Bullets
- Nosler Bullets
- Mixed bag items - No idea of value
- Rate of twist help needed
- george d
- Nosler Partition 7x57
- Propellant storage life
- Extra powder storage permit.
- Blown/Pierced Primers ON 70gr 5.56 Reloads
- Bullet lubing
- 30-06 first time reload results
- To factory crimp or not - Lee Pro 1000
- Cheapest .30 bullet on the market now
- Reloading 9mm for the Gen 1 P-07
- Reloading 8 X 68S
- 375 Ruger
- Casting Bullets on a Budget - A Rough Guide
- Problem - PMP .375H&H Brass
- Gem pro 250
- 223/5.56 soft loads for an AR15
- Lee servicing
- Bullet Hardness
- Supplier of virgin 12 GA hulls?
- Barnes tsx 150gr
- Quickload burnrate question
- Lee Pro 1000
- What are you guys feeding your .223/5.56 semi-auto's?
- Another reloading cost calculator (EXCEL Spreadsheet)
- Purchasing lead
- Are we being taken for a ride again?
- 303 loads for 200gr claws and s355
- Chronograph troubles
- Handy LED Light for Reloading
- Interesting comments regarding reloading 9mm for accuracy
- Barnes TTSX 185gn 338 Win Mag
- .38 Sp & MS200 advice
- RCBS Outstanding Service
- Dillon square deal b
- Lee Loader Classic M1 Carbine
- S221 uses?
- 8X68S Neck sizing die
- Hornady gas checks who sells it?
- 77gr bullet load data for AR
- Kriek Bullets - general feed back
- Frontier bulk order
- barrel twist and bullet rpm
- S221 Somchem starting loads safe for BHP?
- Starrting to reload
- Load Development for a first time(rifle) loader
- Barnes 168 gr TTSX in .300 win mag
- Sudden blown primers
- Lubing inside the case neck
- COL Tolerance
- Reloading .270
- Mini Mr.BulletFeeder - 9mm tubes for .308 bullets
- Some Turret Tips
- S&O 124gr CMJ 9mmP
- Lee pro 1000, priming and powder throw issues
- 9mm reloading COL for Tactical Tim bullet
- 40S&W Casings
- 130gr Hornady SST Questions
- More help with QL burnrate please
- Brass in oven
- Eratic Velocities
- Availability of S121
- Please assist new re-loader
- Velocities
- Virgin brass?
- Hornady Titanium Nitrate Dies
- Brass Minimum length
- Bringing in Bullets from Outside SA
- Reloading With LEE Dippers
- Reloading hollow points.
- Primers availability
- 416 Rigby loads.
- Lapua Scenar-L OTM bullets: 7mm, 150gr (new) QL Bulletfile?
- distance between lands and col
- .204 Ruger Load Data
- Cz 75 P07 Duty Gen 2 with Somchem MS 200 powder
- Data required for QuickLOAD load development
- New PMP 5,56 Headstamp?
- S341 for 308
- Progressive / multi-stage press consideration
- Factor with a 124gr FMJ/CMJ
- Lee Classic Turret Press Availability
- JSP vs CMJ - 38 special mp200 158gn
- OAL or COL length
- Shooting my first reloads
- Quick Load 300WinMag
- Quickload: 30-06 with 150gr Sierra Gameking
- Quick load: Node question
- New scope and load development, what now?
- .308 180gr Accubond Load
- 270 LOADS
- CZ P07 9mm (PMP 124 RN & Frontier 124 FN)
- Spare Lee Pro1000 carrier/shell holder?
- Lapua brass not grouping
- S365 Lot79 - What is your experience
- Please help with load for Hornady 139gr for 7x57
- Primer pocket gauge
- Shooting 32acp cast lead bullets in 303 for plinking
- 30-06 Nosler Partition Loads
- Alternatives to case lube
- Measured twist and barrel length
- GS Custom on steel plate
- COL very long, Barnes TSX!! Concerned!!!!
- Dillon square deal sticky on one station
- 9mmS (short/kort/380 ACP)
- 9mmP Bullets, Primers & Powder in Pretoria
- My 7x64 loads and loads by others
- Re-loading dvd facts of fiction...
- Quickload and suppressors
- Bullet selection
- mp200 and dirty brass
- 6.5x 53R S365 powder for 160 grain ahd 120 grain bullets
- Reloading 115gr Hornady jacketed bullets with MS200 powder
- Roll sizing 9mm brass
- Loading 38 Special with 357 Mag dies
- Reduced loads for 7mm Rem Mag
- M1 Carbine Primer Problems
- Light Loads for .38sp, fillers, velocity inconsistency, explosions
- Data for Fronter copper jacketed RN
- QL - Changing lotss
- Howa .308Win load Development results.
- Guess the difference
- 7.62x39 reloading components?
- .300 WSM Tikka Varmint
- Primers CCI BR2
- Swift Scirocco II - load data/experiences
- S335 for 375 H&H Magnum
- shot first rifle loads, what now?
- Looking for 7mm bullets
- 9.3 x62 not grouping
- Safety advise needed
- chrony F1
- Settings changed?
- Federal 215 primers
- Shotgun reloading
- read all 150 pages, thank you
- Quick Load help with Barnes MPG 223.
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