View Full Version : Reloading Discussions
- .375 H&H Brass sticking
- Lee Hand Primer - Spare parts ?
- 357 Magnum reloads with MP200
- New RCBS Pro Chucker, 7 or 5 station progressive
- MP2 propellant
- 7mm Rem Mag - My first range session with reloads - Advice please
- Questions on Quickload/OBT/Burn Rate factor
- 223 reloading
- lee seating die as a crimping device on 9mmp
- Keeping myself busy
- 44 Mag subsonic load
- Somchem powder equivalent?
- Load data for 140gr/.270
- Shotgun reloading
- Peregrine VRG-3 .30 180gr
- 500NE load data
- Help with 375 H&H load QL
- 6.5x55 - 140gr bullet -> What velocity at max pressure?
- Lee pro 1000 vs lee turret mounting footprint
- Reloading for 5.56/.223 -- Best way to get started (viz. buy ammo or buy components)?
- Lee Classic Turret Press Kit or another reloading kit?
- Load for the 80 gr Barnes TTSX in 25-06
- Barnes TTSX 165 or 168
- doughnuts in .222 rem
- 40 S&W Dies
- 9mm Frontier 124gr bullets
- 357 magnum loads using S221
- My First reloads
- Lee Pro 1000
- Sourcing JHP SD bullets - Gauteng
- Dillon RL550b Maintenance
- Be careful of old ammunition!!!
- Quickload assistance.
- Who ordered cases for 9.3 x 82 R?
- Properties of Sonchem powders/reaction
- Brass Collection
- Reloading Scales: Beam vs Digital
- 9mm Major
- Dillon Advice
- What bullet for hunting black wildebeest in a 1:14 twist , 308 military step barrel
- For Sale - B&J 200gr lead SWC bullets for .45 1911 pistol
- Anybody know anything about VIHTAVUORI primers?
- Howa 308 155 Nosler CC
- Possible primer blow-by
- Necessary reloading equipment suggestions
- Load development .270 and .243
- S341 in .303 British
- Bertram bullets
- MS200 - Lot 74, 1985 - Load data?
- 12,7 X 99 reloading
- straight walled cases life span and annealing needs.
- What powder is recomended for loading a 303
- Frontier Range master bullets
- Advice for reloading 9mm with Sfera 126gr copper plated Bullets
- 9mm used brass advise please
- Indexing out on 650 dillon
- Where to find .303 SPBT in 180gr?
- Magnetospeed V3 Range Report
- Reloading for 243 700BDL 22" Barrel with suppressor
- 30-06 load data and feedback
- 158 gr Cast Bullet in 9 mm
- 30-06 Load Development
- First batch jitters!
- .204 reloading components ?
- 21gram slug in 28 gram shot cartridges
- Bullet Trajectory
- Winchester LR Magnum primers
- 30 cal Nossler's
- 300 Win Mag reloading question.
- Lyman LE 500
- Reloading data .45ACP (Glock 21), MP200 & Frontier 230gr CMJ bullets
- re-using primers?
- Rust / Tarnish on cases after cleaning?
- QL Experts: Where do these numbers originate
- Quest Bullets ???
- Dillon Sqaure Deal B
- Reloading the 6.35 /32 acp ?
- Who are the major retailers of reloading goods in SA
- Zwartkop airshow exibition
- BARNES TTSX vs TSX Seating Depths???
- Pact digital precision powder scale. yay or nay?
- OBT Calculator App for Chris Long
- Bullet ogive measuring tool
- S221 lot variations, a little advice
- Affordable .308 Bullets
- Where to get lead bullets
- Which die's to get?
- 250 Savage
- source wanted for new 10mm brass
- S365 lot 79 vs lot 80
- Tumbler vs Ultrasonic Cleaner
- Varminting Bullets Weight Question
- Quickload help please: 270Win with Nosler 130grn E-Tips
- 308, 180g, 200m zero?
- Were to buy Shot
- Reloading help
- A few questions
- S121 not listed in Quickload v3.6
- 9mm short / 9mm Para not same or same ?.
- Brno 30-06 - QuickLoad Assistance Please
- 7mm Rem Mag Barnes 140gr - QuickLoad Assistance Pls
- Winchester Model 70 Sporter 24 Inch Barrel - .270 win Reloading Help
- What is the best reloading platform?
- S365 shortage?
- QL Help needed please 243
- Where to buy Lee Pro 1000 38 Spl / .357 Magnum reloading kit
- Barnes 168gr - 30-06 Somchem Question
- Tikka 308 165g load experience?
- S121
- Does Somchem powder vary per tin?
- Somchem MP200 Pistol Reload HELP 9mm
- New brass, and other questions.
- Alternative tumbling media
- Anyone using Chrony at False Bay Sports Shooting Club soon?
- Quick Question
- 338 Lapua, S385 and 300gr Lapua Scenars/
- Magnum Large rifle primers
- My "remodeled" reloading area.
- Where to buy .38SPL bullets?
- Mauser M03 (308) : What loads would you recommend?
- Deciding which Somchem powder to get.
- Reloading with S121 powder for 9mmP (Glocks)
- Deformed flash hole on S&B once fired brass
- Somchem Powder for rifle and pistol
- Loads for 308 norma magnum
- Will a .22-250 cartridge chamber in a .308
- Quick Load : An Australian view
- Sizing button question.
- Turret or Single stage
- To crimp or not to crimp?
- Upgrading pistol progressive press
- 8x57 reloading
- S&B SP primers - Box says "For RIFLE, pistol or revolver"
- Advisable to upgrade from 165gr to 180gr?
- Loading 7.62 x 39 on pro 1000
- Harvey deprimer
- Cz p07 9mm major?
- RCBS Rock Chucker upgrades
- Reloading 9mmS issues
- 300 Blackout brass from 223 - who would be interested?
- 30-06 Brno 180gr SP reloading accuracy problem
- Blow-by
- Chemical cleaning brass cases
- S321 lot 237 vs 238
- Shot gun load
- george d
- bullets needed for 6.35 reloading
- .223 on LEE Progressives
- .243 PMP 80gr bullets
- K@k groupings on 7x64 load development
- Peregrine Points.
- 9 mm Bulge Buster die
- Barnes 168gr TSX - Brno 30-06 QuickLoad Help Please
- PMP 180gr - 30-06 QuickLoad Assistance Pls
- Loads for a .500 Jefery
- .318 Westley Richards loads duplication
- where to find 9mm bullets for reloading
- Going rate for once fired .40 brass
- Fire forming 303 cases, my plan
- Old Barnes X
- need advice on reloading data for 308 sako
- 6.35 your loads from the past( seems all 6.35 re-loaders are past tense)
- Turret Press
- .270 Win QuickLOAD help
- 375H&H Mag QuickLOAD Help
- Experimenting with 220gr in 30.06
- Quickload Somchem Propellant Properties
- Help Loading for Glock 17 and 19 Gen4
- Help needed with small flash holes in 5.56
- Opinions on Dillon Case Feeders on RL550b
- Help identifying category of rifle bullet
- Propellant batch differences
- 243 85gn tsx and 80gn ttsx loads
- CZ .270 win reloanding advice pls.
- 303 British load data
- Small rifle magnum primers?
- Pistol feeding problem
- Dillon vs Hornady vs Lee Comparison
- 7-30 Waters in TC
- 9mm case gauge
- Tikka T3 TAC 300 WM Reloading
- Pistol Reloading Components
- .300 Win Mag - Peregrine. Is this load safe?
- case trimmer advice
- Neck sizing Die silly question
- Gas Checks
- Nosler ballistic tip vs hornady interlock
- Getting a RCBS beam scale calibrated?
- Frankford Arsenal DS 750 Scale
- Reloading supplies - Cape Town
- Frontier 147gr Bullets - stock in Jhb?
- Opinion - Lee Deluxe Quick Trim Case Trimmer(SKU: 90437)
- I posted - not one reply on post can the "know" be so lost.
- Getting started with reduced loads
- Advise for loading for Hunting Rifle
- Deprime only on Dillon 650?
- QL help for.270 with Barnes TSX Bt 130g bullets
- Quest Bullets ??
- 8mm I or J bullets (.318")
- 7.62x51 147gr FMJ bullets
- .380 - 9mmK bullets for carry reloading
- .357 Magnum 125gr/158gr MP200 load data?
- Muzzle velocity and chrony data
- Load development question
- Lead 9mm bullets on West Rand?
- S121, Lee Autodisk sizes to weight
- cases not sized after sizing, oh dear what can the matter be.
- anybody here got some 90gn or 95gn partitions for sale?
- Anyone loading peregrine for hunting purposes
- Lee Die adaptor for lyman and rcbs powder measures
- Hornady GS1500 weighs incorrect
- 223 WSSM
- 147gr case bulging
- S361
- 9 mm P reloading conundrum
- Lee Powder Through expander dies
- 124gr RN to 124gr FN
- Reloading Barnaul Ammo
- . 40 Brass availability?
- PMP internal case capacity worries
- 460 Weatherby splitting shoulder of case
- Dillon lube as it ages?
- 7mm Weatherby Mag
- .303 case capacity diffrence between PMP and S&B
- S341 and S385
- advice needed! loading 9mm lead.
- 15 x 9mm 50 round nobletec empty ammo boxes. Give me an Offer
- COL Query ?
- Woodleigh 180gr PP for 270 Win
- Different weight of BULLETS (not flippin' "heads") found when reloading
- Frontier bullet data for Quickload
- What to load for long distance .308?
- Glock 23 (.40 s&w) reloads
- Different bullet weight different powder?
- Starting along the dark path of reloading
- Reloading Equipment for a Handgun
- 410 reload recepts
- Primers used in 410 shotgun
- Barnes 150gr TSX
- 9mm Reloading saving time.
- Range Brass - headtamp 'D' over 223. Any ideas?
- Anyone in Cape Town or surrounds loading for 30-30 Win?
- Reloading the 357Mag desert eagle. Loads required.
- Quality Beam Scale
- 9mm Round Nose vs. Flat
- Reloading for the PWS 223 Wylde
- Lee Classic Turret vs Lee Pro 1000 for 40SW
- .22 CHeetah
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