View Full Version : Reloading Discussions
- 7x57 Mauser Load Data - Somchem VS Nosler
- Which is the better press and why?
- List of South African ( local ) Bullet Manufacturers
- IMR Target powder-anyone also having measuring issues?
- Sako 243 loading data
- Nosler Accubond 308 Load Data
- Shotgun reloading Free State
- Decent Reloading scale
- Advice please - Replacement for S335 in .375H&H
- De-priming pin that survives berdan cases
- Reloading shotgun slugs
- Damaged brass
- 6mm Musgrave reload data - 70gr Rhino Penetrator (monolithic)
- 9mm in 147g
- 9mm and SOMCHEM S221
- Squib load (& a Glock)
- 12G Wads for Sabot Slugs
- QL Longshot
- S265 and 38sp
- Titegroup and 9mmp
- Getting Primer delivered
- Kinetic hammer broke...
- Ms200 ,135gr lead load development
- 9mm P primer pocket concentricity question
- Frontier 223 tumbling
- 222 Rem -given vs real case volumes???
- 222 Rem -given vs real case volumes???
- Somchem powders - looking for the bigger picture
- 223 Herlaai advies vir Howa Varmint 24"
- Premium vs cheaper Bullets
- Nosler Custom Competition being discontinued??
- CFE Pistol in 9mmP
- Power factor difference between coastal and altitude.
- How long does reloading take?
- Reloading diary -
- Manufacturers license
- Bonded Polymer Bullets ???
- 9mm Reloading components
- Some guidance needed Please
- Are chronographs equal? (CED M2 vs Labradar)
- Leading from cast bullets
- Load Development with Randy Selby
- Cast Load for 500 Jeffery
- 308 PMP cases: weight vs volume
- Trimmed cases too short...toss them?
- Reloading data for 375 Ruger
- Annealing with a candle?
- 6,5x55 HOWA loading pressure
- IMR target 9mm load development
- Case Volume Measurement - before or after firing
- Case weight and relative capacity - 375 H&H
- S121 043-18
- Nobleteq 158gr CMJ bullets in 38 special
- Reloading 5.56 Price?
- 22cal .224 dia 62 gr Barnes TSX BT Bullets recommended twist 1.7" to 1.9"
- Case Dryer from Clicks
- S121 i n 357 Magnun
- 115gr with current S121
- Somchem Propellants - 2020 target date
- Somchem Propellants - 2020 target date
- 243Winchester relaoding - which relaoding components?
- How much of a short COL is dangerous?
- Hennie
- Ideal 9mm die setup for Dillon XL650
- Quickload help please - S321 or S341 for 308?
- Lead harness, quenching metallurgy, and powder coating.
- Help me buy once...
- 9.5 x 57 Mannlicher-Schoenauer
- 375H&H with cast bullets - Load Data wanted
- .308 Win, change from 335 to 341
- DILLON XL650 9mm and case bulging
- Starting with 9mm reloading advice needed
- USA Propellants and Load Development
- How far do you step back after signs of pressure?
- Deactivating tracer rounds
- Case trim length for 223 Rem
- Once fired primers
- Norma Propellant
- Hunting Bullet Option for 30-06 (new rifle)
- Accuracy and/or velocity nodes. Ball powder vs extruded
- Can crimping just be better than not??
- Silver Rapids Bonded Polymer Jacket
- 12 Gauge reloading advice
- 134gn CMJ 9mmP
- Howa 308 Standard barrel Reloads
- Pulling bullets - What's the best way?
- FTF - fail to fire, I give up. Primer does not go bang.
- Bullet weight deviation
- OBT in Quickload
- Which American Powders for .308 instead of S335?
- change from normal to magnum primers.
- .40 S&W reloading help
- Going rate for once fired Brass
- Musgrave MR 205 propellant
- S221 vs S121 for 9mm P
- Any good & accurate Beam Scale Advive
- Brno zkk600 .270
- Glock 26 reloads
- Bolt closes with too much effort
- Imported powder closest to S355
- Load for 30-06 an 6.5 CM with S341
- Turning .375 H&H into Springbuck rifle...
- Stepped 9mmP cases influence?
- Load data for 200gr XTP in 10mm
- RCBS parts Cape Town
- lee loadmaster or pro 1000
- Does Oom Laurie still cast bullets?
- Minimum & Maximum Case Length for 9mm Luger for FA CZ 75 Pre B
- S335
- Bullet Corp coated bullets?
- Weather influence, nodes and OBT
- Low recoil 38 sp
- Casting question: mould size
- Brass 12G shells
- Pro1000 + Crimping (9mmp)
- What is basic reloading equipment?
- 338 Win & S365
- Case fill, how much does it matter?
- Can CMJ bullets be damaged by aggressive crimping?
- Steel Pins Sorting
- to use S221 for 38 special
- 6,5x55 HOWA and IMR4955
- S221 - good enough for 357 and 9mm?
- Kriek Bullets feedback.
- Smallest powder disk is too big
- Kms squared UFO press lights
- Lee Ergo Prime new but broken
- Shotgun Pellets
- Which SA bullets are (not) on Quickload?
- Chronograph & handgun - headaches!!
- Barnes Tsx vs TTSX Load Develeopment
- Gordons Reloading Tool
- 9.5 x 57 Mannlicher-Schoenauer
- 22 hornet reloading help !
- S&B "Berdan" 9mm Brass
- New to Powder Coating
- Reloading Data Needed for .40S&W and .45ACP
- Musgrave 308 Win - reloading with Peregrine and monolithics
- Lee Loader .38 special set
- 247 Hunter
- Advice on potential load
- GRT vs QL
- New Dillon range
- Lee loadmaster Case Feeder Bracket and nut - Replacement part
- 8x57 JS/IS Reloading Advice
- Reloading with lead - Load data 9mmp
- Where to get tumbling media between Paarl to Durbanville area for decent price?
- 38 spl MS 200 loads
- Need a favour from someone with a small precision lathe...
- Can Gunpowder get old....?
- Gordon Reloading Tool Free alternative to QuickLoad now in Beta - Need Somchem Data HELP
- Which propellant for 30-06?
- Weird speed result
- Luvex powders
- Norma URP - Gordons vs Norma (need Quickload input) for 6.5CM
- Chronograph - Northern Suburbs
- Shout out to all the Casting/powdercoaters
- At what percentage does a charge in a reload change - where does it lie.
- 9mm Luger Resizing Die wanted
- New to handgun reloading. Help needed.
- Winchester Brass Quality
- 9mm Brass question
- What casting mold is this ? 454 - 252 - swc
- Effects of COL on 9mmP pressures (Advice needed please)
- 3d printers...wonderful things!
- Marlin XL7 270win help.
- 223 what am I doing wrong
- Alternative to Somchem Powders
- QL help required for 6.5x55SE
- MS200 for .357 Magnum Wadcutter bullets.
- Using QL or GRT as development method - help input needed, long and concentration will be needed.
- Removing the expander button when resizing ?
- Bumping the shoulder back - your way explained.
- Hodgons Hybrid 100V Availability
- .308 Winchester Case Weights
- 165 gr bullets for 9mm
- 8x57 JS Reloading Headache
- Suggestion to gunsiter reloaders
- Denel exiting PMP
- Getting rid of propellant - the Australian way
- deviation marked on propellant tins / % off spec.
- S121 and . 45ACP
- Reloading the 7 mm - 08 any loads to refer to
- 3 or 4 Turret ?
- Compressed loads, how much is too much ?
- S121 powder
- Quick Load Question - not predictable velocities.
- S121 158gr CMJ 38spl load
- Future reloading for new shooter.
- Bumping the shoulder back - enough - to much ?
- .260 Rem Propellant Selection
- Speed up your Dillon 650
- Brass vs. Copper for barrel life
- Dimples on case when bumping shoulder back
- Sabots - any ideas, experience and where to buy them?
- Somchem Substitute/Replacement Powders
- When OBT does not work - OBT = bad grouping
- Progressive Reloading
- Pistol reloading, low - mid volume with single stage?
- .38 spl
- Source of Wadcutters for .38
- The relentless pursuit of happiness..
- Imported propellants min - max loads
- Electronic Powder Scale - vibration or not
- Balistix Bullets new on shelves.
- Dillon 450 purchase advice - value and recommendations please.
- Steel shot reloading 12Ga
- S365 v IMR 4350
- Reloading equipment anecdotes
- Anyone that can help with chrony tomorrow Sunday 27 Oct
- Advice needed re progressive presses
- Loading for a Russian Svarog Zveroboy 12g slug
- Help with a theoretical velocity
- Digital calipers
- 204 Ruger
- 303 Brit questions
- Roll Sizing
- Case life - ho many reloads are you getting on a case.
- Well what do you know, S341 can be accurate..
- Frontier PCB 9mm Bullets
- Howa 223 (1500) Prefered Bullet
- OBT and Barrel Lenght
- How clean is clean enough?? (9mmP Brass)
- FC headstamp 9mm
- 270 Reloading - can a charge be too light
- Shorter barrel, faster powder?
- Reloads not dropping in barrel.
- Lovex S020
- Load for Blanks?
- WHY NOT LOAD YOUR OWN - Colonel Townsend Whelen
- 458 cast lead bullet supplier
- Handgun Propellant Suppliers
- Cleaning Dillon Casefeed Bowl & Tumbler
- .222 Rem and S335?
- Load density for Hunting rifle
- How important is the brand of Shell holder in reloading?
- Impala Data for 308 150gr CFN Solid
- Starting load 308win 20” vihtavuori N550
- 12 Gauge slug reload
- Vhitavori Powder
- Lee Breach Lock Challenge Kit- info/advice needed
- hBN Hex Boron Nitride
- Spent primer issue
- Brass shavings inside cartridge
- Those last few cartridges in the batch
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