View Full Version : Reloading Discussions
- Looking for Lee Deluxe .223 Remington die set.
- US buyers
- Need advice on reloading kit.
- Press placement on bench?
- Looking For A Hornady Lock N Load AP Press
- 2000 FPS 9mm
- I Was Sorting Through My Doppies Today....
- 9mm bullet tumbling
- "Snake shot" out of a .45Colt.
- Progressive press for 9mm
- 308 Bisley Musgrave load?
- swift scirrocco .270win 130gr interresting load development
- Hornady Lock n load AP Dies
- Shotgun shot moulds
- My first reload!
- Shotaholic
- 7 x 57, what powder?
- Hornady Lock N Load AP Press Clean
- 1st Reloading attempt: 30-06
- Load development Speed vs COL
- Weight vs Volume
- Single or Progressive Press?
- Recommended Propellant for .308 Win?
- Bullet moulds Smelting pots etc Who are the agents suppliers
- Load Cost Calculator
- why seperate my gold brass from silver brass.
- 375 H&H COAL Advise
- Brass tumbled, now what?!
- How much for a tin of S265?
- Lighting up the Pro 1000
- any reloaders in Pe??
- Dillon RL550B help needed
- Primers, primers and primers
- 375H&H advice please
- 303 load development for 3 types of bullets
- 357 Sig reload data, please?
- Help me make up my mind
- Quantities of propellant that can be bought and kept
- Off the Lands COL ?
- .45 ACP in a Glock 21
- Barnes 303 150gr Tripple Shock 50
- I was lazy and now I need some help.
- 222-50 info
- 9mmP/38 SPEC & 357 Magnum - S121 vs S265 vs MP200 vs MS200
- Need help please, loading 115gr frontiers
- 9mmP Frontier 147gr with S121
- 30-06 Help
- Best Hunting bullets for .308 180gn
- Reduced .243 load
- Reloading equipment for a newbie
- Price for 30-06 Brass?
- Somchem Reload Website
- Reloading Area
- Hornady Lock 'n Load A.P. Loader
- Reloading goodies in Cape Town?
- Claw Bullets
- Lee double disk kit and safety prime?
- Assistance with lead casting Brownells order
- Rifle Reloading
- .40S&W lead reloading
- Confirmation of annealing question
- Help identify Lee turret??? press
- reloading equipment
- New rifle brass
- A little extra velocity
- Always pay close attention to what you do on the range, and everywhere else for that
- Why do most people recommend not using PMP Ammunition?
- CZ 308 Varminter
- Glock 2kg connector - FTF and FTE
- Glock 2kg connector - FTF and FTE
- Hunting/practice combo
- Cleaning brass
- Lyman Depriming die, first time use
- Claw 165gr
- Shooting my first ever batch of reloads
- Reduced Load Recipe for 375 H&H Needed!
- Lets talk primers for while ........
- Reloading help in Eastrand
- Going from progressive to single stage. Ouch.
- Lee Pro 1000 and Primer compatibility
- Old gunpowder?
- progressive reloading machine advice please
- Help 7*57 140 gr Load.
- Cheap .308 rounds
- !!!!!! old ammo !!!! first time
- Lee Loadmaster help in Pretoria
- Where to buy MP200 and 9mm bullets in Pretoria
- Annealing rifle cases in a lead bath
- Reloading info for 9mm 122 gr cast bullets.
- Lee Loadmaster
- CZ 75 P07 Duty Reloading
- .40 S&W reloads
- Reloading: Buying vs Casting bullets
- Nosler 124 JHP with MP200 chrony results.
- Beginner Reloading
- Hand priming?
- What I got this week.
- Is there any advantage using MS 200 over MP 200?
- Nobelteq 9mm no more!!!
- Motorisation of a press
- 9mmK cases
- How many reloads do you get from your .303 brass
- Why cant I reload brass from SAPS?
- Why cant I reload brass from the SAPS?
- What is meant by "factor" when talking reloading
- Powder Measure
- Still confused arround reloading 5.56 compared to .223
- Lee Turret Press Auto-Indexing Woes
- Do I really need to lube 9mm cases when I reload?
- Anyone in JHB that reloads 38spl?
- MEC Sizemaster reloader
- Stovepipes
- Selling price advice needed ?
- Questions regarding .223 bullet creep and setback in SLR's?
- Lee pro 1000 de-priming tool broke
- Tried S& B primers today for my 9mm
- Lyman Auto-Flo tumbler stockists?
- Where do I find out about bulk buys happening?
- .40S&W 180gn cast load data
- Deburring tool vs Chamfer tool
- Cheapest Primers and powder
- Want to swop my 7.62 ammo for 9mm brass!!
- Anyone else indulging in a bit of paper patching?
- anyone selling 200gr. .314 cast bullets
- 7.62 x 51 burden primed brass to swop for 9mm brass
- 9.3 x 62mm load data
- Scale issues
- Advice on bullet and powder selection for .243 please.
- Source of SS pins
- RCBS Master Reloading Kit for R4 600.00 all in
- Reloading SD Ammo ???
- Reminder: Primers are dangerous
- Tumblers vs Sonic brass cleaners
- 7.92 x 33
- Start Reloading: Necessary Equipment
- Buffalo Teflon Coated Bullets
- 375 Ruger oops!
- Lee Autodisk powder measure pulling a funny...
- Anyone use Powder Dippers?
- Reloading supplies
- Which comes 1st?
- 300H&H
- 12 GAUGE Shotgun reloading help
- What media do you use?
- Has anyone had success with .308 and S321?
- Anyone in Durbanville area who can lend me a primer pocket uniformer and ...
- 123g .303 Load Data
- has anyone heard of lead extrusions bullets for reloading
- .303 loads
- Dillon XL 650
- Colour coated bullets
- Hornady Lock-N-Load Classic Kit
- Subsonic me is back again - new project question.
- Can only be over crimping ......
- 7mm TCU
- 7x57... .284" or .285"?
- Dillon 550B wall mount
- Nosler Accubond Jump
- Possible Somchem data discrepancy (??) (S321)
- reloading
- reloading the .220 swift
- Reloding 9mm Hornady 124gr XTP's
- 338 Reloading Data
- Reloading equipment
- Hornady Ammo Plant
- .308 SPS Tactical 175gr Berger LR BT Target
- Clean brass
- Equipment evaluation
- Nosler Partition Gold
- The hunt for 300 AAC Blackout load data - Help needed
- Reloading equipment Cape Town
- 12ga. shotgun reloading recipes
- 9mmP CZ issue
- Would this work
- Loads for 270 win
- .30 Hornady Interlock 165gr BTSP with S355?
- Volumetric Measurement VS Weight Measurement for Rifle Cartridge Reloading
- .38 special +P
- help identify bullet manufacturer
- PMP BRASS for 222 rem
- Old Somchem Powders (MR designation)
- HOWA .243 Bull barrel
- Will be reloading soon...
- OAL of PMP 243Win ammo
- Dent on pressed Cartridge
- Considering a reloading kit, but which one...?
- Reloading 12GA
- Idea for a cheaper tumbler
- Very long bullet jump.
- Quickload data please: 260gr Nosler Accubond in 375 H&H
- Berdan Primed cases???
- S335 vs S355 vs S365 for 30-06 150 grn
- Dillon Square Deal-B- 9mm now in Pretoria
- Bullet weight for long shots with pistol
- Reloading the 30-30 with 110gr Frontiers made for the 30 carbine
- Josyd colour codes?
- Reloading for the FN FAL
- Recommended Powder in a 9mm P
- Reloading .223 to match SA military and police ammo?
- Load data for .318 Westley Richards
- Load for a 30-06 110gr bullet
- The first and hopefully last time ...
- bullet seating for 30-06
- 9 x 21 taper crimp or 9x19
- Facepalm! Newbie got .223 case stuck.
- Where to buy small rifle primers on a Sunday?
- .223 Remington - what could I be doing wrong?
- pmp case question
- Bullet still loose after crimping 45 acp
- Do you reload 9mm cases? !
- Cast Bullet Sizing and Lubrication Question
- .243 and S365
- 38 Special short
- The Accurate Chain
- Hornady "Pawl"
- what is the largest caliber tha one can reload on a RCBS junior press
- Lee .223 Expander-decapping rod?
- 300 WSM loading data - does anyone have?
- Mauser actions and long freebore.
- Please help with loads for a M1 Garand.
- gs custom for my 300win mag
- Bullet Seating Depth
- Quicload software
- Looking for LEE Pro 1000 9mm press
- Super cool way to clean brass
- Not making factor, please advise.
- Complete reloading kit 9mm
- alternating magnum primers on .308 and small primers on lapua palma brass
- Winchester Magnum primers in 303
- Looking for Lee Classic Turret Press Kit
- Sit or stand when reloading?
- Upside down Primer in 45acp
- Drying wet doppies
- My reloading bench
- .458 LEAD
- Load 9mm issue
- Quick advice on 165/168gr .308 bullets..
- 9mm Short/380 acp 115gr
- Broken Lee press
- DFL. or neck size virgin lapua brass?
- 10mm auto dies for .40 s&w
- Bullet jump, how effective is this as an accuracy improvement
- 115gr XTP loads for 9mmP
- 243 loads for 100g
- MR100 Reloading info
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