Quote Originally Posted by SLR View Post
If you are having enough to get to that point where the condition of your weapon makes a difference to how safe you are, you're having too much IMO.

Your intent and actions are taken into account. "Under the influence" is intentionally open to interpretation. Moving your gun to your safe after a sip of wine is not 'handling under the influence' as intended by the Act. If your actions are irresponsible or lead to harm then you need to be concerned.
Agree with you, mate, just trying to understand where the legal lines are drawn. Do you know if there's a an alcohol limit for what SAPS would consider under the influence? As they do with driving - the same limit? Also, hypothetically, if you strap up sober, go out have 12 drinks get home and move your gun from your holster to your safe, where does that fall legally? Obviously no-one is going to be there to check, but that would be against the Act, right? Unless there's a public space stipulation.