S&W blades are lower end blades. Often 420J steel which is one step up from ornaments.

The steel and heat treatment is equally important.

Are you looking at fixed or folder ........ either way ......... avoid Gerber, Buck and S&W blades. (Both a rubbish blade and very often fakes) KaBar, EsEE, Becker, Bark River are a few that are solid blades.

Have a look at Lamnia.com ........ worth looking at is Boker VIGTIV or Boker DBK (new). Orders delivered within 7 days (Use UPS option and not EMS shipping) I have bought multiple blade and always very fast (sub 7 days - order Monday and in my hands by Friday). Just to tickle your fancy, type in TRC. I have about all of them and I use an URBAN (EDC) and South Pole for weekends. My top choice right now