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  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jan 2019
    221B Baker Street

    Default PFTC The Professional Firearms Trainers Council


    Hi All
    Many of you may be aware of the situation concerning firearm training: the qualification expired on 30 June 2024 because the minister of education did not place it on a list of qualifications for extension.
    The PFTC was appointed the quality assurer when the mandate was removed from SASSETA in 2013 due to the incompetence of SASSETA. This was tested and upheld in the Supreme Court Of Appeal and the PFTC mandate was upheld.
    The QCTO and SASETA tried unsuccessfully to remove the mandate from PFTC in 2021 and ended up with a court order against them taken, it is to be emphasized by agreement.
    Fast forward to 2024 and the PFTC had tried to have a new qualification accepted and to move forward with firearm training quality assurance. The qualification expired and the PFTC made an application to the minister before expiry to extend the qualification which was not answered.
    As at 1 July no new enrolments for firearm training could take place which meant if you had not previously completed the training you could no longer do so and therefore no new applications could be made for competency certificates by anyone who had not completed the training before 30 June 2024.
    The PFTC brought an urgent application to bridge the gap created by the failure to extend the qualification. This was vigorously opposed by the state respondents [ The QCTO, SASSETA and SAQA] on purely technical grounds such as a lack of urgency in the application. Be aware of this: none of these entities was forthcoming with what they had done to carry out their legal mandate and maintain a coherent educational system .
    Put simply , this was suspicious and spoke to an undisclosed other agenda .
    This afternoon, after argument, the presiding judge indicated he was going to grant in interim court order and invited the parties to present him with one.
    The legal representatives could not agree because we asked for a simple extension of the status quo [ which is the purpose of an interim order] whilst the state representatives proposed an order that we believed was not in good faith and would allow the state parties to effectively disavow training after 30 June as valid.
    After further argument , the judge accepted our proposal and extended the status quo until the minister makes a formal decision to extend or replace the qualification.
    What happened afterwards was , in my opinion , shocking.
    The state legal teams were , to put matters lightly , unimpressed and demanded that we all remain in court whilst they obtained instructions about an immediate urgent application for leave to appeal the interim order . Generally interim orders are not appealable. The whole demeanor of the state respondents changed when they effectively lost their challenge .
    My interpretation of this conduct is that it was no mistake or oversight by any state functionary to not renew or extend the qualification , and such organs of state deliberately do not want any new training because this will effectively strangle firearm ownership: no new competencies , no new firearm owners.
    It would seem another onslaught is about to commence against us. Martin Hood


    *This either means, no proficiency /competency, blocking it, disrupting it, keeping it in courts etc, means no more new firearm owners. OR there is a lot of money to be made by getting SASETTA (Government) to run it, so yes, losing is not an option as this will guarantee a very long milking scheme for the corrupt individuals involved, i.e gun control via administrative enforcement.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Mar 2014

    Default Re: PFTC The Professional Firearms Trainers Council

    This sounds very concerning! What exactly does this now mean for the short term (e.g. rest of this year)? Some members in the family are currently studying to do their competencies for SD purposes, which seems could be postponed due to this...

  3. #3
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    River Club, Sandton

    Default Re: PFTC The Professional Firearms Trainers Council

    Quote Originally Posted by wave.jaco View Post
    This sounds very concerning! What exactly does this now mean for the short term (e.g. rest of this year)? Some members in the family are currently studying to do their competencies for SD purposes, which seems could be postponed due to this...
    Students who enrolled before 30 June have three years to complete their training; it means no NEW students were to be enrolled after 1 July.

  4. #4
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    Default Re: PFTC The Professional Firearms Trainers Council

    Very hard to believe that this isn't part of a gravy pumping scheme or back door sabotage. I suspect the former more than the latter to be honest.

  5. #5
    Join Date
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    The moral high-ground

    Default Re: PFTC The Professional Firearms Trainers Council

    If no new training is considered "valid" this would also affect SAPS training...

    SAPS trainers had to scramble to get aligned with the PFTC Unit Standards back in the day. Use of a firearm in a "Law Enforcement Environment" (If memory serves that is the correct term) is also a Unit Standard. By implication that also means no Tactical training presented by the SAPS or for any Security Service Provider would be valid or mean anything...

    What is good for the goose should be good for the gander also....

  6. #6
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    Default Re: PFTC The Professional Firearms Trainers Council

    Quote Originally Posted by JhbBoy View Post
    Students who enrolled before 30 June have three years to complete their training; it means no NEW students were to be enrolled after 1 July.
    As per the court order handed down yesterday, students can once again be enrolled until the appeal against the order is heard. I would suggest that anyone who is looking to do proficiency training, needs to register quickly, because if the appeal is forthcoming as the state has said it would be, this could be a long and drawn out legal battle - possibly all the way to the apex court - which could take months if not years

  7. #7
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    Default Re: PFTC The Professional Firearms Trainers Council

    This was my first thought. Gun control via the back door.

  8. #8
    Join Date
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    Vuil Driehoek

    Default Re: PFTC The Professional Firearms Trainers Council

    Quote Originally Posted by M43 View Post
    If no new training is considered "valid" this would also affect SAPS training...

    SAPS trainers had to scramble to get aligned with the PFTC Unit Standards back in the day. Use of a firearm in a "Law Enforcement Environment" (If memory serves that is the correct term) is also a Unit Standard. By implication that also means no Tactical training presented by the SAPS or for any Security Service Provider would be valid or mean anything...

    What is good for the goose should be good for the gander also....
    Not sure what SAPS training that would be...
    I take SAPS friends to the range to shoot with my guns so they can at least get some practice/refreshing in.

  9. #9
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    Vuil Driehoek

    Default Re: PFTC The Professional Firearms Trainers Council

    Quote Originally Posted by paulnb View Post
    This was my first thought. Gun control via the back door.
    The fca and what surrounds it is meant as a way to disarm the population. So I strongly suspuct your thinking is correct.

  10. #10
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