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  1. #21
    Join Date
    Feb 2016

    Default Re: France 2024/2025 Hunting Season

    Can't wait for the story!!!

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  2. #22
    Join Date
    Dec 2016
    South of France

    Default Re: France 2024/2025 Hunting Season

    We hunted on Saturday. Weather forecast was not good. When I left the house it was wind still. When I got to the hunting club the wind picked up quite a lot.
    Got to the hunting club and had breakfast and shot the shit with the guys. Looked at the map of the area that we were hunting and saw that I got the spot I had a few years ago and only saw a fox that day.
    My post was quite high up on a hill/young mountain. I would be able to shoot 180 degrees in front of me. At my left there is a huge farm house around 300m away.

    Set up my tripod and seat and loaded the 308. The wind was coming from my back and I had high hopes. Soon I started hearing the dogs from very far away and suddenly the same bloody fox I saw from before came running over the hill in front of me. Had the cross on him but he wouldn't stand still and the shot would have been around 150m.

    A while later the dogs gave voice again and suddenly the next to me shot and I heard a boar yelling. I thought to myself, bloody hell the guy next to me gets a boar everytime. Was looking his way in jealousy and my phone rang. It was one of the trackers. He asked who it was that shot and I told him it was the guy next to me. He said to be awake because 3 boars were seen coming out way. As he said that that I look d up and saw 3 boars that were supposed to come down trying to leave the valley to my left. Climbing over steeps rocks. The first one jumped up and I couldn't get a shot on him. The second one got up and I had the 308 in the tripod and let the shot go. Aimed at the shoulder and hit just Infront of the the 2 back legs. Boar fell down and starting dragging itself forward. The 3 boar jumped up the exit and I shot again. The boar jumped up and fell backwards into the thicket of pines that it came from. The first boar that I shot at was gone but I was confident that it was down. I called the tracker that phoned me before and told him that they needed to get there with the dogs to check if the boars were down. Afterwards I measured the shots and it was at 163m.

    When he answered he told me to keep my voice low because there was a troop of boars coming our way. Soon afterwards the guy next to me shot a few times again and I heard a pig squealing. A tracker came and dispatched it after a few minutes.

    I was surveying the lefthand side of the area in front of me and suddenly saw movement to my right. A sounder of boars came through the pines and they stopped around 80m from me. Just before that when I went to fetch more bullets from my bag the wind blew over my tripod from mountain. Sat down in my arse and took aim at the first one. Dropped the boat on the first shot with a good head/neck shot. Took aim at the second one in line and wounded it. Took another shot but missed completely. The boars ran down into the ditch in front of us and I tried to reload. Next moment the boars were running up the mountain and passed with in 2m of me. Couldn't shoot because the guy next to me left his post and would have been in the line of fire. Took 2 shots at 40m but didn't have clean kills. Think I hit one and the guy next to me killed it. Tried to reload but the bullet jammed going in and as I tried to clear it, it took a while. When I ran over the hill the boars were gone.

    Afterwards the trackers came and went into the area where I shot the first boars. The dogs started barking and suddenly the second boar I shot jumped up and the tracker shot it. My shot broke it's foreleg. The first one I shot was down but still alive. The tracker dispatched it with his knife.

    Afterwards I went to check to where I shot at the last boars. Saw the blood trail and the guys with the dogs found the boar not far from there and dispatched it.

    All in all it was a great day! Could have shot a few more but actually I'm happy that I missed. Got to leave something for next season. At this stage we're at our best season ever. We're already at 102 boars for the season, which is amazing. It is my best season ever!

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  3. #23
    Join Date
    Aug 2011

    Default Re: France 2024/2025 Hunting Season

    Lekker write up as usual. Thanks and congratulations on a successful day.

  4. #24
    Join Date
    Jul 2015

    Default Re: France 2024/2025 Hunting Season

    Awesome write-up Methos & congrats on the boars!!

  5. #25
    Join Date
    Dec 2010

    Default Re: France 2024/2025 Hunting Season

    Thanks for sharing.

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