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  1. #51
    Join Date
    Jan 2014
    Vuil Driehoek

    Default Re: Heahcare CEO gunned down in New York

    Something I found in favour od 3D printed: "The frame design and slide have been identified by 3D2A peoples. Chairmanwon designed V1 glock 19 (definitely printed), Patmos arms slide, aftermarket suppressor height sights. The frame design is an older one, posted 3-4 years ago. v2 was more popular, and the v3 has been released"

  2. #52
    Join Date
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    Western Cape

    Default Re: Heahcare CEO gunned down in New York

    I saw a short on Youtube where he was escorted from a car to a building shouting 'it is an insult to the American people's intelligence'. That kinda seals the deal for me.

  3. #53
    Join Date
    May 2013

    Default Re: Heahcare CEO gunned down in New York

    Quote Originally Posted by Meteor View Post
    I saw a short on Youtube where he was escorted from a car to a building shouting 'it is an insult to the American people's intelligence'. That kinda seals the deal for me.
    What an angry entitled lil' douche. Such an attitude is generally not helpful in any situation, least of all prison.

  4. #54
    Join Date
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    George - Western Cape

    Default Re: Heahcare CEO gunned down in New York

    Quote Originally Posted by Meteor View Post
    I saw a short on Youtube where he was escorted from a car to a building shouting 'it is an insult to the American people's intelligence'. That kinda seals the deal for me.
    In what way? That he is guilty?

    Or that he was framed possibly?

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  5. #55
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    Default Re: Heahcare CEO gunned down in New York

    Quote Originally Posted by Grobbie View Post
    In what way? That he is guilty?

    Or that he was framed possibly?

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    That he did it.
    I think he was vying for the public's support and he sees himself as a martyr.

    Best I can make out he said the following

    It is completely out of touch, as an insult to the intelligence of the American people, it's fucking scary

  6. #56
    Join Date
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    George - Western Cape

    Default Re: Heahcare CEO gunned down in New York

    Quote Originally Posted by Meteor View Post
    That he did it.
    I think he was vying for the public's support and he sees himself as a martyr.

    Best I can make out he said the following

    It is completely out of touch, as an insult to the intelligence of the American people, it's fucking scary
    Jees dude. You infer a lot and something different to what I am gathering, as little as it actually is, from the short video.

    I hear, people should not be stupid to his arrest. Which also has some odd chance of being valid.

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  7. #57
    User Paul's Avatar
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    Default Re: Heahcare CEO gunned down in New York

    OK. My line in the sand.

    It is NEVER appropriate to bean a guy in the street for something you imagine he has done.

    This whole shitshow is courtesy of Obamacare... these guys and several others just worked their end of the deal presented to them. It may not have been lekker, but there are legal remedies to that. It's like holding gun companies liable for crimes committed with guns... or car manufacturers liable to accidents.
    "Always remember to pillage before you burn"
    Unknown Barbarian

  8. #58

    Default Re: Heahcare CEO gunned down in New York

    I do sometimes wonder whether movies, TV series, books etc in which the main characters act outside the law "for the common good" (for example Dexter and Justified) affect the frequency with which things like these happen?
    Not saying I'm against them, I enjoyed both series, but some people are more open to influence than others.

  9. #59
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    Default Re: Heahcare CEO gunned down in New York

    Quote Originally Posted by Heath Robinson View Post
    I do sometimes wonder whether movies, TV series, books etc in which the main characters act outside the law "for the common good" (for example Dexter and Justified) affect the frequency with which things like these happen?
    Not saying I'm against them, I enjoyed both series, but some people are more open to influence than others.
    I've wondered about the same and came to the conclusion that it must have an effect because as you say, some people are more easily influenced than others. I'd hazard a guess that in this characters case his Ivy League education may have played a significant role too.

  10. #60
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    Default Re: Heahcare CEO gunned down in New York

    This world is a nasty place, it’s full of people getting screwed over by others with more money and lawyers than them, it’s the norm rather than the exception.
    One must understand though that generally people are programmed to follow the law, been happening for thousands of years if you live in a society you adhere to its rules.
    That is why even when there must be millions of disillusioned people around the world few will just go and shoot the person they believe to have wronged them.

    One must also understand the dynamics of this situation, living in an orderly society will eventually lead to you being screwed over as much as possible because influence over your life comes from those with power(remember all the covid bullshit now that we are talking healthcare).

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