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  1. #1
    Moderator camouflage762's Avatar
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    Feb 2009

    Default SAAACA Review meeting 22 July 2011

    "Dear Members,

    A review meeting was held on Friday 22nd July between SAH, PHASA, and NAACCSA, and their respective legal advisors, to assess the status of the Court Case within the context of the Amendments process, and to deliberate on future actions.

    The meeting noted the current series of emails and media reports which have been circulating as they pertain to the Case.

    It was highlighted that a distinction needs to be drawn between “Discussions” (a process to explore and debate options around issues, for which no mandate is required), and “Negotiations” (a process to reach agreement on the resolution of issues for which a mandate is required).

    All parties confirmed that there were no negotiations currently taking place with CFR or the Secretary of Police on any issues.

    It was further noted that number of discussions had taken place with various stakeholders, but that these had been strictly confined originally to the three principle issues raised in the Court case i.e. Non Criminalization, Property, and Service Delivery, and subsequently around the Amendments to the FCAA which are on public record.

    The meeting confirmed its strategy i.e. the Amendments would be scrutinised once available to determine which issues had been resolved both in terms of the original Court case, as well as issues arising from the processes which have unfolded post June 2009, a process would then be put in place to address these issues, and depending on the outcome, decisions would be taken on how to proceed with the Court Case in consultation with the various Associations constituents.

    The parties would continue to meet periodically to review developments.

    Kind Regards,
    Carvel Webb
    Recent studies show that 1 out of every 3 liberals are just as dumb as the other 2

  2. #2
    User Paul's Avatar
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    Default Re: SAAACA Review meeting 22 July 2011

    The more statements that are released by the parties trying to explain/justify/deny, the more confusing this whole mess becomes.

    At one stage SA hunters tried to blame it all on PHASA, but PHASA is part of SA Hunters... my head hurts...
    "Always remember to pillage before you burn"
    Unknown Barbarian

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