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  1. #1
    Member BoerBok's Avatar
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    Behind you, breaking out the KY... Or JHB

    Default Info needed from the collectors...

    Hi Guys

    I need some more info on Westley Richards guns; specifically a collector that can share some info.

    I am curious about a 1912 WR hammer double in 450/577 and 12br. I am struggling to find info on the web, so would appreciate it if you know of someone that loves the WR's.

    Prone to random kindness, lecherous behaviour, imitating D-cups at speed and an outstanding sense of humour. If you don't agree, well fuck you.

  2. #2
    Join Date
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    The Last Outpost

    Default Re: Info needed from the collectors...

  3. #3
    Join Date
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    Default Re: Info needed from the collectors...

    Bokkie, are you looking to acquire one ??

    If so just be carefull.

    Check the following wrt the 12gauge side of it.

    Nitro Proofed and to what pressure

    Chamber size, A fired shotshell should be able to fit in the chamber ,if not you are sitting with a 65mm chamber and not a 70mm chamber. Ammo could be problem.

    Most early English ShotGuns were chambered for a 65mm shell.

    Apart from that what the hell are you going to do with it.

    Think Over/Under

  4. #4
    Member BoerBok's Avatar
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    Behind you, breaking out the KY... Or JHB

    Default Re: Info needed from the collectors...

    I'll give Andrew a call thanks.

    It's in the family & on it's way to me. It's been with us from new, so...

    I'll check it carefully once I have it; at this stage, it'll stay in my safe & retire, but it will still be taken on a hunt. I was hoping that someone knew a bit about WR and that they could help me.

    Prone to random kindness, lecherous behaviour, imitating D-cups at speed and an outstanding sense of humour. If you don't agree, well fuck you.

  5. #5
    Join Date
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    Default Re: Info needed from the collectors...

    Send me some pics.

    I'm seeing Neviile and Benny the weekend, I'll try to get some info from them

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Jan 2011
    Gauteng ZA

    Default Re: Info needed from the collectors...

    Quote Originally Posted by BoerBok;

    I am curious about a 1912 WR hammer double in 450/577 and 12br. I am struggling to find info on the web, so would appreciate it if you know of someone that loves the WR's.

    Boerbok you didn't give us much information. Is your gun a mussle loader? Percussion gun?
    You have a typical Cape Gun. These were not really used in the other colonies and that is probably the reason for the lack of literature on the Cape Guns. The last type of Cape Gun (from about 1854) was the 12 br/.557 cal combination guns which was thought to be the best gun for the conditions in the Eastern Cape. It was one of few sporting guns used by the military. The Armed and Mounted Police were able to buy Combination rifles from Grahamstown gunsmith/dealer John Hayton (Ref The Cape Gunsmith - Berkovitch, With Sword and Statue - Hook) One barrel was for shot and the other rifled for Enfield cartridges. Hayton (Grahamstown), Rawbone and Botha (Capetown) all sold percussion rifles of this type and some from the beter English makers such as Hollis. Pryce Redman, Westley Richards and others up to about 1910.

    General WR info:
    The firm Westley Richards was established in 1812 and supplied mussle-loading pistols and rifles to the Wellingtons army. William Westley Richards was responsable for numerous inventions connected to the mussle loader. He died in1865. Westley Richards, his son, took over the firm in 1840 and he did a series of further series of inventions on Guns, rifles and revolvers. It has been said that the firm enjoyed the highest reputation of any Birmingham gunmaker. On guns he was responsible for drop-down barrels - 1858, drop-down and slide forward barrels - 1861, Top lever and dollshead extension - 1862 in the same yar patented rifle sights. This remarkable man died in 1897. The remarkable John Deeley took charge of the Company. He registered 17 patents between 1973 and 1907. The most important was British patent 1756 (1875) taken out jointly with W Anson. This was probably the most important shotgun development of the 19th century, the world famous Boxlock Anson and Deeley action. With this modern action available the Cape guns must have been made specially for SA.

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