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  1. #21
    Join Date
    Sep 2009
    Durban KZN

    Default Re: SHTF and Doomsday scenarios

    the seed for that advice came from a AAR written by a guy who was stuck in Egypt when it all went off there.

  2. #22
    Join Date
    Sep 2009
    Durban KZN

    Default Re: SHTF and Doomsday scenarios

    Quote Originally Posted by Sean Murphy View Post
    Another good reason to have a couple of months worth of supplies is that when the SHTF, you can just go home and lay low. The last thing you want is to have to go out then and get caught up in the panic buying and possible food riots that may happen. When everythings turns to chaos you want to be tucked away looking after you family's security, not out there somewhere in a mobbed supermarket, risking your life for a few tins of food.

    100% Raise the drawbridge and man the lookout posts

  3. #23


    Quote Originally Posted by prepare2win View Post
    another important consideration is if things get really really pear shaped, is a wad of cash, a credit card (for booking a flight/ accommodation online), a valid passport, a list of countries that allow SA citizen's visa-free travel, and maybe a couple kruger rands. a 3 month holiday in a friendly country may be a LOT better than trying to E&E in a genocide torn country, then seek asylum in your host nation.]
    This is a valid option that will work for certain people. Others circumstances may make this option difficult.

    In my own case this scenario is not feasible as I have 10 pets which I am not prepared to leave to their own devices for any amount of time. This is a personal choice on my side so digging in and waiting it out is what I planned for.

    But I agree that might be a very good option for a young couple with small kids.

  4. #24


    Quote Originally Posted by Sean Murphy View Post
    Another good reason to have a couple of months worth of supplies is that when the SHTF, you can just go home and lay low. The last thing you want is to have to go out then and get caught up in the panic buying and possible food riots that may happen. When everythings turns to chaos you want to be tucked away looking after you family's security, not out there somewhere in a mobbed supermarket, risking your life for a few tins of food.

    Very good advice Sean. I also find that you can make this strategy part of your normal routine so that you do not have to suddenly stock up when clouds are building on the horison. I have the space so usually buy most of the basics in bulk which means that I normally have a few months worth of supply as a matter of course. You cannot stock up on all items but if you choose wisely a lot is possible.

  5. #25

    Default Re: SHTF and Doomsday scenarios

    Best thing is if a large group of like minded people plan to go to the same place. A place like a holiday resort. Lots of place to sleep, and strength in numbers. Plus you can combine supplies. You might have 2 of what another guy needs, and he has an extra of what you need. Obviously you would not succeed if you take in people who don't bring shit or can't contribute to helping with running of the camp, security etc. The whole thing will have to be well organised. Easy- just put guys in charge according to the rank they held in the military when it comes to security or look at what job a guy did before SHTF. For instance, if a certain lady was a restaurant manager, she could oversee the making of food, rationing of goods etc.

    Let's be realistic: You can't prepare 100% for everything that might go wrong. That COULD POSSIBLY go wrong. I also consider some guys to be a bit nuts in this regard. However, some things are more likely than others. If there was to break out a revolution or something, you would be fucked on your own. I really believe that. Best IMO is the camp idea.You would need the co-operation of the owners and management of the camp though and the whole thing would have to be very well organised.

  6. #26
    Join Date
    Mar 2012
    Port Elizabeth

    Default Re: SHTF and Doomsday scenarios

    IMO if you live in a city your chances of getting out are going to be rather slim.

  7. #27
    Join Date
    Jun 2011

    Default Re: SHTF and Doomsday scenarios

    ...but it seems that every third thread there contains advice on how to store water and where to hide your ammo and guns from whomever...
    Does anyone else see the irony....

  8. #28
    Join Date
    Sep 2009
    Durban KZN

    Default Re: SHTF and Doomsday scenarios

    @Rudes, we in the same boat mate (pets and family obligations) And I love Makro ;)

    IMO the whole "bug out" mentality is very heavily influenced by the old USA nuclear war threat- then it would make sense to get out at all costs if your city or nearby key point was a likely target. Yes, its still a good idea to get away from mobs of desperate starving people or if there is a train derailment and a toxic spill near your house etc... but bugging out is not the only option for a large number of scenarios.

    I'm busy building relationships and community through my neighbourhood watch, and offering free SD training, free talks on "emergency prepping", and free advice to people on the process of obtaining a firearm (waaay too many myths out there)

  9. #29

    Default Re: SHTF and Doomsday scenarios

    If you want read some good insights, check out Fer fal or selco on the net 2 guys who lived through 2 very different scenarios. 1 an overnight SHTF, fighting in the streets situation, the other a gradual slip into ruin. We are essentially at the second 1 now. (argentina)

  10. #30


    Quote Originally Posted by prepare2win View Post
    free advice to people on the process of obtaining a firearm (waaay too many myths out there)
    Truer words have never been spoken. Okay,except for that time when Piet Retief said: Manne, nou's ons in die kak!

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