www.tacticalquartermaster.co.za Mothers Day 2015

A reminder that its almost Mother’s day 2015.

What better way to show the most important Lady in your life that you care by getting her a product from TacQM.

Pepper sprays: So that even when you are not there, you she still has a fighting chance against criminals.

Ultimate Plastic Storage Box: Ideally used to store ammo, however will comfortably accommodate hobby/craft items.

Green Coffee Beans: An indefinite shelf life and can be roasted to her choice.

Knives: Discrete and practical to do those odd jobs when you are not around, as a bonus it too can be used against those who might harm her.

(As always: If the threat is lethal then a lethal response is called for. Depending on the situation a pepper spray may the best or worst Self Defence option.)

For pics, prices and specs please see:

www.tacticalquartermaster.co.za we are ONLINE, deliver Nation-Wide, Door2Door OR you are welcome to Click’nCollect.

Feel free to contact us at sales@tacqm.co.za