www.tacticalquartermaster.co.za Day 2: Beef Curry with Butter Beans, Savoury Rice & Chicken Breyani.

Our popular Ranger Ration Packs are back in stock. These have proved very popular with the outdoor hiking and biking community and, those involved in more serious activities such as Anti-poaching patrolling etc.

They easily fit into a Bug out Bag and will keep you fed for 24 hours or longer if you ration yourself.

Local Menu developed for our local tastes.

The Main and Secondary Meal are tasty and filling.

Heat up with your body heat, or boil in a bag on our Esbit Stove or in a Flameless Ration Heater ***

The RRP includes fuel for the Esbit stove as well as ingredients for a hot cup of coffee and Tea.

(***FRH and Esbit stove are also available separately in store)

For pics, prices and specs please see:

www.tacticalquartermaster.co.za we are ONLINE, deliver Nation-Wide, Door2Door OR you are welcome to Click’nCollect.

Feel free to contact us at sales@tacqm.co.za