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  1. #1
    Join Date
    Feb 2009
    Cape Town, South Africa

    Default Lies, damn lies, and more lies

    So I found myself in the SAPS 13 store handing in guns.

    Now before you all think I've gone mad, these guns are not on the system (i.e. "unlicenced"), worth a few bob (1873 and 1876 Winchesters made in 1883 and 1884), and I'm handing them in in the real terms of the amnesty, to licence them.

    But there are many people handing in guns because they think their green licence expires on Sunday. 31 of them yesterday (there was nobody there, the book was on the counter, and I counted. I resisted the temptation to walk out with the book under my arm. That... was hard :-)

    Nobody bothers to explain to people that they don't have to hand in their guns. I told a fellow this. He didn't believe me. I pointed at the fellow behind the counter, said "ask him". Fellow behind the counter agreed, handed the fellow his gun back, fellow left.

    But just think how much safer we're all going to be!

  2. #2
    Moderator camouflage762's Avatar
    Join Date
    Feb 2009


    Well done.
    Done that once or twice myself, feels good though
    Recent studies show that 1 out of every 3 liberals are just as dumb as the other 2

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Apr 2009

    Default A different perspective

    Here is a perspective with a different view. Sometimes the truth is not your friend and many would rather not face it and will fight so that it is not revealed and remains hidden to hide behind. If we are to win then fear is our greatest enemy and must be overcome.

    Those people who have handed in firearms and refused to relicence are the only firearm owners who have shown the slightest defiance of this disarmament Act. They refuse to comply.

    There is no firearm owner I know that does not know this. The only purpose of the FCA is to disarm. If that is the case then it cannot be bargained with or appeased. Of that there is no question and no doubt.

    Yet firearm organisations would rather discuss with the predator which is going to eat them on how to eat them and which parts to eat first, rather than fight. Suggest to them that fighting is the only option and they castigate you with scorn and insult, telling you that you are destroying the only chance they have. Or tell you that you are mad, a radical, rebel and a disgrace to firearm ownership. They will not listen and close their ears and minds to any suggestion that what they do is wrong. That they have watched hundreds of thousand even millions deprived of firearm ownership and done absolutely nothing to stop or prevent that. Some even said "they had their chance and there is nothing we will or can do." It is an admission of defeat and failure to do the duty they have as a first mandate and duty to protect members and prospective members in order to grow the organisation.

    Never in my life have I been so saddened by what I see. Good people turned by fear into cowardly braggarts who shout false defiance of "I'Il never hand my firearms in" but have complied with every requirement of an Act they know will disarm them and have said and done not one thing against that Act.

    Actions speak louder than words and when asked to oppose the Act these people would rather run and hand hide, pretending to be invisible and hoping nobody will notice them and hoping this will all pass them by. They pretend that promoting firearm ownership will somehow help when it can't when faced with disarmament. These are not the actions of brave people willing to fight for their rights, justice and what they deserve.

    They would rather watch others be deprived stripped of firearm ownership, murdered, raped and robbed. Not even the safety of their loved ones and family are sufficient reason for them to be seen as fighting in case the SAPS does something in reprisal. They will stand by and watch saying and doing nothing while those who do fight are picked off by the SAPS.

    Think this is incorrect then, show me where I am wrong.

    First read what this leads to from the UK and then realise the people of England now deprived and all but disarmed will do nothing to help this person. They will not protest and they will not contribute to his defence. He has to look to the US for funding. and support. Why?

    A Horror Story from England
    by "Musket Mike" of Montana

    Attribute to The Libertarian Enterprise

    Here in the States we have our own horror stories about issues surrounding police abuses of power but every once in a while we hear a horror story from England that is enough to send shivers down the spine.

    At 2.15 pm on 5/20/09 the author of the Expedient Homemade Firearms books, Philip A.Luty was arrested at gunpoint by the British "North East Counter Terrorism Unit" (NECTU). Philip is the well known author of Expedient Homemade Firearms—The 9mm machine gun. [Buy at]

    Numerous other books and information on building improvised firearms were available on Philip's website The website has, I am told, been temporarily closed until security measures can be put in place to prevent British police from tracing and visiting those who downloaded publications from the site. More on this chilling development later. Following Philip Luty's arrest he was held in a London prison for over nine weeks before obtaining bail. This is the second time Philip has been arrested and questioned by British police over the books he writes and sells via his website. No, Philip Luty is not a terrorist, nor does he have any links to terrorists, but it seems that in the UK today the British police are not just happy with obtaining a ban on most types of legal firearms but also want a ban on any publication that shows how to build a firearm and/or ammunition. Hence the quite unbelievable persecution of those who sell firearms related publications. As I said earlier this is the second time Philip has been arrested and questioned. In 2005 he was arrested and questioned over his books and website. At that time the British "Crown Prosecution Service" (CPS) took no further action and the case against Philip collapsed. Undeterred by this failure, the police waited another three years and then charged him under the UK Terrorism Act 2000. The wording of the charges is that Philip "MADE A RECORD OF INFORMATION THAT COULD ASSIST TERRORISTS". No folks, I am not joking. In the UK British police are now trying to create a link between those who commit terrorist acts and those who write gunsmithing publications. Oh yes, I mentioned above a "chilling development". That is putting it mildly. It turns out that at the same time that Philip was arrested the British police (Gestapo?) paid a visit to over fifty other people across the UK who had downloaded books from Philip's website.

    A Very Worrying Situation

    The fact that Philip Luty was arrested and charged under a terrorism act and then held in prison for many weeks is appalling enough, especially when I am told Philip is also suffering from cancer of the esophagus. But, even more worrying is the fact that the British police could trace those who had downloaded books from his website, and then pay them a visit. This is a new and frightening development to anyone who cares about freedom and privacy of the individual.

    Read more

    Or from Philip

    A Threat to Freedom of Speech in England
    by Philip A. Luty

    Originally appeared in The Libertarian Enterprise

    On Friday, February 25th 2005, members of the Luty family were arrested and charged with "Conspiracy to Manufacture Firearms" by British police.

    Due to the information shown on website, police raided and searched three addresses belonging to the Luty family. They were looking, apparently, for "prohibited firearms".

    At one address the police seized a computer, numerous copies of "Expedient Homemade Firearms" Volumes I and II, and various CDs containing gun design drawings. Nothing illegal was recovered. Land belonging to the Luty family was also searched. Nothing illegal was recovered.

    Edward Luty (my 75 year old father) who is suffering from cancer, was arrested at his home and "dragged" to the police station in handcuffs. His home was ransacked and searched. He was charged with "Conspiracy to manufacture firearms". After a period of two to three hours in a cell, the police realised how ill he was and released him. His home now resembled a bombsite due to the mess created by a heavy handed police search team. He was left with nowhere to sleep.

    His crime??... to be related to the author of website.

    John Luty (my brother) was stopped and arrested (at gun point) by around twenty police officers while driving home from work. He was arrested and charged with "conspiracy to manufacture firearms" and his home was also ransacked and searched. Nothing illegal was recovered. His crime??... to be related to the author of website. [This is his Bail Sheet!, an Adobe Acrobat file (.pdf), 126, 285-bytes in size.]

    A great deal of wanton damage was caused to property during these searches, apparently in revenge for failure to locate anything more dangerous than a collection of books and CDs!

    This is a direct challenge by the British authorities to our non-negotiable rights of Freedom of Speech and Artistic Licence.

    Silencing Free Speech

    The voices of many ordinary people are effectively silenced these days by a combination of "political correctness" and anti-freedom of speech laws. Legislation governing how we speak about such subjects as religion or a person's race, being just two examples. Words and phrases that have been used for centuries, without malice, are now insipid in peoples mouths, and said to cause "offense" by those very same "speech police" who, on the other hand, turn a blind eye to the violence, foul language, and sexual references blasted daily through our TV sets. A phenomenon that really does cause offense to many people.

    On the subject of firearms ownership, we are witness to television advertising standards "watchdogs" banning or censoring advertisements from our TV screens because it contains a fleeting glimpse of a gun, perhaps used as part of a comic type sketch within the advertisement. Such advertisements are banned because they are said to "offend" a tiny handful of people, yet millions of others like myself see no problem.

    We are witness to certain sections of the press who refuse to accept advertisements for legitimately owned firearms (even airguns) because they may "offend" some unsuspecting hapless individual who may stumble across the add, and end up being traumatized by the experience!

    We are witness to people who advertise and sell sporting type knives being prohibited from calling their knives a more colourfully descriptive name, because it may cause "offense".

    This is just a tiny sample of the endless list of infringements, both small and large, to our freedom of speech. These threats to Freedom of Speech are a worldwide phenomenon. They become more serious by the day due to the failure of ordinary people to recognize them as the "thin end of the wedge".


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