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  1. #1

    Default SAPF (SAPA as was) National NPA and PPC Championships - Eeufess - 28th-30th April

    We are holding our NPA and PPC championships this coming weekend at the Eeufess target range complex. If you are in the area, and are interested in handgun events that do not involve "run and gun", then why not pop along and see what it is all about. You can find what NPA and PPC is all about by reading the introduction thread here and on the website.


  2. #2
    Join Date
    Aug 2012
    The moral high-ground

    Default Re: SAPF (SAPA as was) National NPA and PPC Championships - Eeufess - 28th-30th April

    Hi HP

    I have read through the rules I found on the web site and I notice that grip tape is not allowed, but changing or modifying the grips is legal. Is stippling on the grip area of a Glock (example) allowed?

    From what time on Saturday will we be able to come and have a look?

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Feb 2014

    Default Re: SAPF (SAPA as was) National NPA and PPC Championships - Eeufess - 28th-30th April

    Stippling should be allowed, but I have not shot npa for over a year, basically they do not want foreign materials on the firearm to assist in gripping it. Adding checkering to a wood grip is allowed If i recall so that should be the same as stippling on plastic.

    Which events are you interested in?
    They normally start pretty early.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Aug 2012
    The moral high-ground

    Default Re: SAPF (SAPA as was) National NPA and PPC Championships - Eeufess - 28th-30th April

    The Police Pistol events seems interesting. I have never shot it but I have read a lot about it / some authors (US cops) made reference to it in various publications. (And I can use guns I already own for it)

    But I'm willing to give almost anything a try at least once. From watching some internet videos it would seem to be a proper challenge and discipline builder to hit accurately at some of those ranges.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Feb 2014

    Default Re: SAPF (SAPA as was) National NPA and PPC Championships - Eeufess - 28th-30th April

    Even your model 19 rev(it is very popular in SAPF, reason I got mine).
    Nice thing is you do not need speed loaders. competitors are given the time to load up between 6 shot strings.

    It is very challenging for fundamentals. 25meters 120s 10shots may seem like a long time but for zero down it's like going for zero down headshots at 25m.
    Speed is irrelevant as all shooters get the same time, so you have to be accurate.

    You must give service pistol a look at as well. It is a nice shoot, may not seem so on paper.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Aug 2012
    The moral high-ground

    Default Re: SAPF (SAPA as was) National NPA and PPC Championships - Eeufess - 28th-30th April

    Quote Originally Posted by singh17 View Post
    Even your model 19 rev(it is very popular in SAPF, reason I got mine).
    Nice thing is you do not need speed loaders. competitors are given the time to load up between 6 shot strings.

    It is very challenging for fundamentals. 25meters 120s 10shots may seem like a long time but for zero down it's like going for zero down headshots at 25m.
    Speed is irrelevant as all shooters get the same time, so you have to be accurate.

    You must give service pistol a look at as well. It is a nice shoot, may not seem so on paper.
    Good, then I have a reason to get some trigger time on my "flywheel" while I do not yet have the speed loaders that will make me a better more fulfilled person...

  7. #7

    Default Re: SAPF (SAPA as was) National NPA and PPC Championships - Eeufess - 28th-30th April

    Hi M43

    Come along and talk to people at the Champs. There will be a visiting German team of very good shooters there as well.

    If you want to shoot revolver more often then join the Pretoria Revolver Club. Se my Double Action thread in the normal threads part of the shooting associations forum, or send me a PM.


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