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  1. #1


    17 OCTOBER 2018

    We, GOSA Girls on Fire representing mothers, daughters, sport shooters and every woman not wanting to be a victim (#VictimNoLonger) would like to strongly object to the proposed Firearms Amendment bill that will be leaving us, the most vulnerable segment of society defenseless.

    Ladies it is time to make your voices heard.

    SAPS leadership has proven that they are not serious about the lives of citizens and the women in South Africa. On Wednesday a proposed draft amendment bill to the firearms control act was released. We, the women of South Africa are outraged by this action that will leave us unable to defend ourselves effectively against any perpetrator from inside our homes (domestic violence) and the large criminal threat that we have to deal with on a daily basis while we look after our families. That includes being able to defend ourselves in our homes while looking after our children and families, going to work or just going about our daily routines. Without, firearms, the only effective way for us to defend ourselves, you are hanging us out to dry. The proposed bill is suggesting that Section 13 and 14 are repealed. This means that self-defense is no longer a valid reason for owning a firearm, infringing on every South Africans’ right to life. We, the women of South Africa strongly object to this proposed amendment.

    We, the women of South Africa are starting to assert ourselves strongly in the Sport Shooting community. With the proposed maximum of two (2) handguns for S16 (dedicated sports shooter), and a maximum of eight (8) firearms in total, this will infringe on our rights as sport shooters and again we strongly object to this proposed amendment to the Firearms Control Act.

    We, the women firearm owners of South Africa strongly object to the proposed amendments that will take away our right to life as some of the most law-abiding citizens in South Africa. Crime, especially crimes against women and children, is escalating at an alarming rate, whereby the criminals perpetrating these crimes are becoming increasingly violent. Taking away a means to effectively defend oneself will see to an increase in violent crimes committed against all South Africans, this cannot be allowed to happen.

    We urge all law-abiding, female legal gun owners of South Africa to write to the chairperson of the Police Portfolio Committee, Mr. Francois Beukman expressing your dissatisfaction at this preposterous and uncalled for attack on your right to life, and the ability to protect yourself against the crime infestation we all face on a daily basis. Send your emails of concern to

    Ladies this is the time to stand up for your rights.

    You strike a woman, you strike a rock!

    Wa thinta abafazi wa thinta imbokodo!

    Lynette for GOSA Girls On Fire

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Nov 2010


    Good response, well done.

    Sent from my ANE-LX1 using Tapatalk

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